Wednesday was rainy and colder than most winter days here (when's it going to stop?) so I didn't even attempt a swim. Instead I ran 2.67 miles, walked .62 miles, and did a major upper body weightlifting session. That night I had my last class meeting for my Film as Literature course. I am going to miss that class. I absolutely love teaching that and will spend the summer preparing for an improved version next Fall.
Thursday I did an easy 5.25 mile shuffle before heading out to Skene to see the grandchildren. We went to the ditch and the bridge. Little things like that are still a big deal to the kids. At Masters we swam
5 X 200 pull @ 4:00 decline 1-54 X 50 as 25 kick/25 swim (no fins)
5 X 150 descend by 50s
end of Masters.
Then on my own I swam
2 X 1,000 small paddles
6 X 100 @ 2:00 medium paddles
Total: 6,000 LCM.
Friday I slept a little late, drank a quart of coffee, then packed up and eagerly went to Jerry Nobile's for a long swim. The water was 65. That's not that bad, but it hit me the wrong way. I swam one lap, a little less than 1,000 meters, and something inside of me just gave up. I knew I couldn't stay in two hour at that temp. I got out of the water and did a 4.05 mile run thinking I may get my motivation back. It didn't come back. I sat in the truck and wept. I just couldn't do it anymore. It was a total failure. The only bright spot of the pond trip was I mounted my GoPro on a spineboard and got some pretty cool shots.
Saturday was supposed to be rainy but thankfully the weatherman was wrong so I went to Twin Rivers aching to get a long swim in. The water was 70 degrees and I swam
10 X 100 @ 2:00
500 easy
8 X 100 @ 2:00
500 easy
7 X 100 @ 1:58
Total: 6,000 LCM.
On the last set (I had planned to do much more), I began to feel a mild discomfort in the rear of my right deltoid just before I would flip. Then I started feeling a little discomfort on the pull. I stopped, rubbed my shoulder and felt some soreness. I got out and went home.
I can not afford and injury right now and still pull off the Chicot Challenge. After having worked very hard to publicise the swim, I would feel terrible if I failed to make it happen. I really don't know what to think. The soreness is in the back, on the bone just above the scapula, just toward the mid line from the rear deltoid. I am frightened and confused.
When I got home, my wife wanted to go to the festival in Kosciusko, so we hopped in her truck and left. Once there, she walked me one lap around the vendors and was planning a second more thorough lap when I said I wouldn't mind taking a little run. She was OK with that, and we agreed to meet at the truck in one hour. I got in 5.52 miles of shuffling. Nice day except for the shoulder.
For the week I
swam 25,633.22 meters and
ran 27.19 miles.
For the year I am at
263,176.88 metes (+ 49,390 over last year) and
365.63 miles running (+ 235.15 over last year).
Now my mind is all messed up. When I move my arm around, I don't feel anything wrong, but when I reach back there I feel soreness. I'm praying this goes away real soon. Please pray with me.