Friday, June 30, 2023

Unless You Do Heat Really Well

Thank God for our son Forrest who has been making me get on my bicycle. Last year it was Tyler whom the Lord providentially used to get me ready for Bike, Blues[,] & Bayous. This year, Forrest has been dragging me out and whipping me on the bicyle like I'm a red-headed step child. Thursday he was off work. We were in downtown Money and riding by 8:03 a.m. We did Coleman Road, Whaley Road, and McIntyre Road. I finished with 28.8 miles, a sore butt, and a bruised ego.

After that, you better believe I went home and lounged. Even at that early hour, it was hot. I stayed inside until about 2:00 p.m. when I went to the City. It was back around to push day again, and I set up the big fan inches from the bench. That helped tremendously. Since I had ridden already, I left the treadmill and the bike erg alone. When I got around to the fly machine, however, since that one is at Plate City Extended, I had to walk twelve feet out there in the sun, do my set, and walk back. That, my friend, was not easy nor was it safe. The heat index was 115. You feel that kind of heat, and it feels menacing, threatening, assaulting.

After a shower and some of the Paul Finebaum Show, Penny and I headed to North Carrollton Baptist where we had a pastors' and wives' banquet at 6:30. We were served some really good hamgurgers and hot dogs, some great unsweatened tea, and we played Picto something, where you are given a card with a word on it and you draw it on a white board while the others try to guess what the word is. That was really fun. My card had David and Goliath on it. I artistically drew a little bitty stick man, and I wasn't even through with the big one when someone guessed it. I learned that I am not the worst drawer in the world. Everyone there was equally as bad as I am. In fact, the worse the drawer, the more fun the game.

So it was a good day. I rode my longest cycle of the year, and lifted thoroughly despite some crazy heat. I even enjoyed, a little, trying to negotiate the heat. Say safe friend. Don't even get out in this heat wave unless you do high temperatures really well.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Good Ole Days. NOT

I think I started training Wednesday morning. I think. At the pool, I swam

  1,000 25:46
  4 X 50 build @ WIFL
  7 X100 with floating 25 1st four, 1st and 3rd, 2nd and 4th, 1st 50
  300 cool down
  total: 2,300 long course

Yeah, that was training. I felt my swimming muscles contracting on the 50s. I felt some heart-rate action on the 100s. That multi-paced swimming is incredibly difficult. At least it is for me. Sometimes I think it would be easier just to do the whole thing fast. The volume was the highest it has been since the Fools. 

Mid-afternoon, I mowed the front lawn, at 3:00. Was it hot? Heck yeah, but I'm bad like that. I didn't want to wait until later because mowing and lifting back-to-back would be too much in that heat. So I mowed, cooled down, then hit the gym.

I went to the City about 5:30. It was leg day, and I hit them pretty hard. I did sets of the hip ab/ad, sets of squats, and treamill running. I totalled 1.43 on the treadmill. The heat index was 111 degrees. The big fan is a lifesaver on a day like that. Literally. But at least I can do it. 

I really don't mind workingout in the heat. But at 111, it is dangerous. I was born into heat. When my mom gave birth to me, she and dad lived in an un-air conditioned upstairs apartment on Leflore Avenue. Dad literally carried me in his arms from the hospital home. I was born on June 2, so I imagine it was pretty warm up there. We moved from there to 10th Street. I have memories from 10th Street. We moved into 422 West Harding when I was a week short of my third birthday. I remember the day, and I remember us not having air conditioning. In fact, when I left home to marry my bride, we only had window units at 422. When Penny and I bought our first house, we didn't have air for about a year. When we did get it, we only had one window unit in one room, the living room. The bedroom was hot. When we got central air about fifteen years into our marriage, we thought we had died and gone to heaven.

Times have changed a little. I don't yearn for the good ole days. Not that part of them anyway. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Almost Training

At the pool, I tried to pick it up a little. My goal this week is to actually train. I didn't quite make it Tuesday, but I did get a little closer. I swam

  4 X 50 build
  100 easy
  total: 1,800 long course meters

That's the most and best I have done since the Fools. By best, I mean on the 50s there was the hint of some quality. That is what I am after, quality and quantity. 

After the practice, I drove over to DSU to purchase a few weight plates. They are closing a small gym in one building and selling the plates at a decent price. You know me; I can't pass up a deal on plates if the drive is not too far. I came home with 245 pounds of new metal. The plates are not new, but they are new to me. Did I need them? What's need got to do with it? My gym is called Plate City for a reason.

It was very hot Tuesday. I did some mowing, some lifting, and some running on the treadmill starting around 4:00 p.m. I found that I can pull the big fan up near the dreadmill and stay alive. Between sets, I would sit in front of the fan and pant until I could move again. I did the pull workout and hit it pretty hard. I did four sets on the chest-supported row, fours sets of the reverse fly, two sets of the Swim Pull, some chins, and some curls. 

When I went inside and cooled down, I hung out with CC and watched some TV. First it was Deadliest Catch. Then I realized that The Ultimate Fighter was on. This season is Team McGregor verses Team Chandler. Conner McGregor is not looking too good in this. From what I have seen, he is there to be a celebrity and show off his suits. Michael Chandler is there to coach and to help the fighters. Chandler's fighters have won all the matches thus far. I wonder why.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

We're Tough like That

A new week has started, and I had hoped to start training. I think what I did sort of falls on the boundary of training. I'm exercising for sure. With intent, I'm training. I went to the pool first and swam

  4 X 50
  1 X 100
  2 X 150
  1 X 200
  1 X 300
  1 X 400
  2 X 50
  total: 1,600 long course meters

I had one 50 in there where I pressed the water a little. The JSS is improving while I'm tring to rebuild the volume.

About 3:00 p.m. in the teeth of the heat, I hit the road for a shuffle. I went 2.45 miles. That was my first road run in over a week. Last week, I only shuffled on the treadmill. 

At the City, I did my push workout. It was hot out there, but Pee Wee and I both endured it. We're tough like that.

Monday, June 26, 2023

6/19 - 6/25

It was not a big training week, the last one, but I was doing something most days. My chief objective was to recover from Pool Fools. Monday morning at the pool, I found out that Saturday's event had beaten my up far worse than I expected. I swam 4 X 50 for a grand total of 200 meters. Huh? Yeah, you read that right. Also that day, I went to work and the the gym. At the City, I did my push workout, 8:30 on the bike erg, and 1.47 miles on the treadmill.

Tuesday was not much better. I swam 6 X 50 for 300 total. I added 9:00 on the bike erg, 1.24 on the treadmill, and did my pull workout at the City.

Wednesday was worse. I felt overly tired, so I slept in and didn't even go to the pool. I did go to work and to Plate City. There I cycle 9:15 on the erg, shuffled 1.93 on the mill, and hit the legs like I was mad at them.

It was my last day of summer school, Thursday, and I started it in the water with 700 meters of poor swimming. At the gym, I performed multiple sets on the erg to total 14:00 minutes. On the mill, I ran 1.22 miles, and on the weights I repeated my push workout again.

Penny and I went to Jackson Friday, but before we left I hit the pool and swam 1,000. Yehaa! I'm up to a warmup now. I did nothing else but chauffeur my wife that day.

Saturday I just went to the City twice. In the morning, I did a pull workout and 10:00 on the erg. In the evening, I did legs and 2.23 miles on the mill.

For the week, I

  ran 8.09 miles,
  swam 1,200 meters,
  lifted weights six times, and
  bike ergged 51:45

Those are amatuer numbers, but they are numbers, they represent the fact that I have not given up. I've said it before: I'm too stubborn to stop.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

That Age

Saturday was at least a slow-start day. I studied and drank coffee. Where were the cats? When my mind grew tired, I went to Plate City. I hung the new plates, and did my pull workout. To warmup, I did 10 minutes on the bike erg. 

After some rest and nutrition, I went back to the City. It was time for legs and I let them have it. Between sets on the hip machine and sets of squats, I shuffled on the treadmill. I wound up with 2.23 miles of shuffling and numerous sets of squats. Since it was so hot out there, I busted out the big fan for the first time this year.

So I had two good workouts at Plate City. Then I went in and got ready to go to the funeral home. It was David Hodges' visitation. David was a good guy. I first met him many years ago when I treated his house for termites. He told me then that the good thing about farming was you got a lot of caps. I think I told him my Boudreaux joke. Over the past few years, Penny and I saw him at Over 60s once per month. His passing came as a bit of a shock to us. We had heard he was in the hospital, but had no idea it was that serious.

One thing you notice when you get older is how many people you know that leave this world. As a young man, I thought very little of death. I guess more precisely stated, I thought of death infrequently. Now, hardly a week passes that you don't hear of someone you know "going the way of all the earth." Just this spring, I lost a cousin, Penny lost a cousin, we lost David, and we lost Mary Duggin. There was also recently Gary Moore, and if I thougt some, I could come up with more names. When will it stop? It won't. In fact, my guess is it will speed up. We are that age now.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Kind that Makes my Wife Happy

Penny and I had plans for Friday. Some more funds had come in for Pool Fools, and for my bithday our church had given me a gift certificate to Red Lobster. Can you spell TRIP TO JACNSON? Penny could, did, and she didn't even need to twist my arm.

First, I went to the pool while Penny was still sleeping. I swam

  2 X 50
  1 X 100
  2 X 150
  2 X 100
  2 X 50
  total: 1,000 long course meters

Believe it or not, that was my longest swim of the week. My JSS is about 90% better. My hope is next week I can resume training. The Heart O' Dixie Triathlon is coming up. My cousin, Shay, has me under contract to swim the third time for the Mississippi State Champion triathlon team. And that one is not age-group related. I'm afraid that if I don't swim well, he might put out a mafia contract on me.

About going to Jackson, I know what you are thinking, Lynn. Why didn't I holler at you and CT. Hey, I am off work now for a little while. I want to come down one day, alone, and we can do lunch again, the terrible trio.

Penny and I took the scenic route. We drove out Humphrey Highway and stopped at Acy's for buscuits. It's better to go for the full breakfast at Acy's, but we left home too late for that. Then we drove 430 to Vaiden where we got on Highway 51 and motored south. This was the route of the Great Geezer Run, and I remember every spot where I took a pee. I remember what I felt like at certain points, what I was thinking, how I was praying. Driving this route always brings it all back. And yes, part of me is itching for a rematch with the Great Geezer Run.

We drove the route all the way to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi's office in Ridgeland where we went in, passed off the new funds, picked up our money bag that we gave them at Pool Fools, and chatted a bit. That is alway nice. I am thankful for them not just for the work that they do, but they allow my crazy dreams and schemes to have a purpose.

After we left the DFM office, we drove to Penny's stores. I dropped her off and drove to Dick's Sporting Goods in Madison. I like Dick's and Academy Sports, but it only take me a few minutes to shop. I bought three 2.5 pound plates at Dick's, not because I need them, but because I have a spot on the new wall at Plate City that is screaming for a big lag screw and a few small plates to make it look just right.

I picked Penny up after two hours, and we drove to her other stores, two of them. They were closed, not just closed, but cleaned out, moved out, out of business. This saddened my wife severely. But ain't that life? Things change, and we can't do a dang thing about it.

So we decided to scoot on over to Red Lobster and eat lunch at 2:30. We were suspicious when we drove up because there were parking spaces. When we got inside, we found out why. Right now, they are only open for take out. 


We went back to Madison and ate at Longhorn. Not a bad second choice. After that, Penny had to hit two more stores then it was back to the interstate and home.

It was a nice day, the kind that makes my wife happy.  

Friday, June 23, 2023

What's up with That?

Thursday was allegedly my last day at work until we start back in early August. I say allegedly because right now there is an administrator trying to think of a way to make us do something. I expect a text message about teaching Summer II. I ain't doing it and I don't mean isn't.

So, Thursday I had my last day of Summer I, drove my contract to Moorhead and tried to change my address again (Penny and I moved three years ago and the school still can't get it). Then I went back to the Greenwood Center and finished cleaning out my office. Thursday was also the last day the Greenwood Center of MDCC will occupy that building.

Thus I arrived home a little late. Oh, I forgot. I swam before work: 700 meters. My swimming for the week looks like this:

  Monday - 200
  Tuesday - 300
  Wednesday - 0
  Thursday - 700

From the above, maybe you can deduce that Pool Fools beat me up pretty bad. I really did not expect that.

Yes, I went to the City. I rode the bike erg, ran on the treadmill, and lifted some weights. Pee Wee rolled on the floor. When I got on the treadmill each time, he barked at me. What's up with that? 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Show Me the Love

I have been a bit dismayed by some of the reactions I have encountered about the missing submarine. Many people have been shockingly callous to their plight based on three criteria that I find troubling. The three criteria are: they are rich, they are white, and they knew the risks. All of those apparently are true, but my question is why should any of them make an ounce of difference?

First, why are these people's lives not as valuable because they are rich? There seems to be some resentment towards rich people in that sentiment. Maybe jealousy is involved. Certain forms of government that have brought death, poverty, and violence to people over the world, are based on class conflict, on jealousy and on the idea that people who are doing better financially are doing so because somehow they are exploiting the people who are not. One comment I read on Facebook said, "Why should I feel sorry for people who got rich on the backs of others?" Oh, is that how they did it? I have encountered that sentiment before, the idea that people who have took it from people who have not. I don't know how these people made their money, and I will not spend two seconds investigating or thinking about that.

I once bought a pickup truck for $200 and drove that truck for thirteen years. Why would I do such a thing? First, I was truly poor. Second, the truck was a company vehicle that I drove, and I knew it would crank and go somewhere. It looked like deep fried dog doo doo and had all sorts of problems, but I needed a ride and I could afford that one. When my son was ten-years old, I cleaned out the storage room of all the old house paint, gave my boy a paint brush, and let him paint it. That made it look much better. I drove that truck from Greenwood the Jackson every week for years. I never once resented anyone who passed me in a better automobile. I never once blamed anyone else for my poor ride. In fact, I looked at that truck as a gift from God, and it got me where I needed to go for many years. 

Concerning their being white, again, why is that a factor? Actually, that is a rhetorical question because I already know the answer. I read several comments that went like this: "I ain't about to pray for no rich white men." Racist much? Some people can't help themselves, and I know some of their best friends are white. By the way, when I was driving that 1971 GMC pickup to Jackson every week, I passed a lot of wrecks on the interstate over the years. I never once resented one of those better vehicles or considered the race of the person driving. Instead, I prayed for everyone. Who wouldn't?

Finally, the third thing I have noticed over and over is people saying that the people in the submarine "knew the risks." I'm sure they did. But that matters? When you get into your car and drive down the interstate, you know you are taking risks. If you don't, you are too stupid to be driving. If you crash and are placed into intensive care, should your bank account, the color of your skin, or the fact that you were doing something dangerous matter? Are you not worthy of compassion, prayer, or aid from others?

I am not defending their choice, these rich white men, or their use of money. I am defending compassion and common decency. That has been lacking in America for a long time now. I know, it's my fault, people like me who believe in God, love our country, and are mean and hatefull to everyone else. If you think I am hatefull because I don't agree with you on something, show me the love. Don't tell me, just show me.

Videos Are Valuable

Wednesday morning, I stayed in bed. I was tired, and I thought a day of rest might help my JSS. It was also to be a full day of work, so I did not want to approach that short on sleep and long on stress. 

I taught my class, ate my lunch, and tried to take a nap. Before I could doze, however, it was time to go back to work, to help in Orientation at the Greenwood Center. This made my second Orientation of the summer and allegedly my last for the summer. We registered a few students. The ones I serviced signed up for classes on the Moorhead campus. Sigh.

When I finally got home for the day, I went to the City for legs. I cycled 9:15 plus 1:15 on the bike erg, shuffled 1.93 on the treadmill, and did my weights. On the weights, I did several sets of the hip abducotor/adductor machine, and squats. My top set wasn't that heavy, but I am working now more on reps than weight right now. Like Alaina and me watching our swimming videos and seeing problems, I videoed myself squatting awhile back. Something showed up. When the weight gets heavy, the bar path on my squat changes. Ideally, the bar path should stay the same. Thus I am working lighter weights for more reps in an effort to correct this.

So, I am still recovering from Saturday. I did not think it would take this long and it would not have if not for the JSS. Maybe next week I can get back to real training again. Help me, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Day, Two Days

So, what have I done since Pool Fools? Not a lot. Sunday, Penny and I went to church then to Hillbilly Heaven. Monday, I got up and went to the pool. Remember my right shoulder which caused so much pain Saturday? It was as good as fried chicken Monday morning. My left shoulder, however, was stiff, sore, and mildly painful. JSS, Janky Shoulder Syndrome. Who woulda thunk it? I swam 4 X 50 and went home.

That afternoon, after I taught my class, I went to the City. Pee Wee was a happy pup. I did my push workout, but I switched back to the bench press for the first time in months. I don't think I've done a regular bench press this year. I have emphasized the overhead press ever since I got that machine. And I supplemented that with some incline benching. But the regular bench press has been out of the roatation for maybe six months or even more.

I went light like I always do when I switch things up. I will feature the bench press for at least one training cycle, and the overhead will be an assistance exercies going forward.

That's the setup for my grammar rant. Do you notice how unneccesary the phrase "going forward" is? If you listen to sports talk radio, you would think that English no longer has a future tense. It's like they think it makes them sound smart to say "going forward." In my mind, it makes them sound stupid. I have to give Paul Finebaum credit here. He does not say it. 

This is what I teach my students and call it "tooth dentist." Don't be a tooth dentist. Unfortunately, the English language, at least as it is spoken here in America, is full of tooth dentist. Here are a few more examples: seperate out, continue on, one a daily basis. Listen to how much less wordy but just as comunicative seperate, continue, and daily are.

At the City, I did my push workout (the new variety), rode the bike erg 8:30, and shuffled 1.47 miles on the treadmill. 

Tuesday morning I was back in the po6l. This time I did 6 X 50 for a whopping 300 meters. Wow. My JSS and still acting up. I worked, then mowed the back yard and went to Plate City. There I did my pull workout, cleaned up some, petted Pee Wee, cycled 9:00 on the erg, and shuffled 1.24 miles on the treadmill. That was a decent day. Praise God for a day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

6/12 - 6/18

My Pool Fools week was filled with more cycling than anything else. Forrest, God bless him, has me back on the road, on my bicycle. Monday, we did 19.1 miles. That was my first ride of the year and not a bad one. That morning I swam 2,500 meters in the big pool at Twin Rivers.

Tuesday, I did my only shuffle of the week, a weak 1.2 on the treadmill. Yeah, it was a Plate City day. I did full upper body and the bike erg for 8:00 minutes. I also swam for 1,600 meters that morning.

Wednesday I cut the swim to 1,350 yards. Forrest and I rode that afternoon for 18.22 miles. Thursday I swam 1,100 yards, taught my class, spoke at Kiwanis/Lions, and rode with Forrest for 22.0 miles.

Friday I pretty much stayed in bed all day. No swimming, no running, no lifting, and no cycling. Lots of coffee drinking, Facebook, and YouTube.

Dr. Charles "Bubba" Nause swimming his
two miles in the indoor pool.

Saturday was Pool Fools, and I declare it a success. We had six swimmers. Their distances were:

  1,000 meters

I am thankful and proud of them all. Gloria swam .5 in the little pool, then added two down and backs in the big pool. She also took lots of photos, and hung out with my family. You might remember that she and her husband George took care of me like a little baby during the Great Geezer Run. I will always be grateful for what she did for me.

My swimming went like this. I started with Alaina, and we swam:

  2 X 50 all of that was with Alaina. 

Alone, I swam:

  300 looking for money

Then I thought to start the pace clock and finish my remaining 3,000 with 100s on 3:00. I was hurting and my mind was weary. When I stopped at the wall, Alaina asked my how I was doing. I told her my plans to finish with 100s and added, "I wish you would swim them with me."

Her response was, "Okay. Let me get my goggles." So we swam:

  30 X 100 @ 3:00

I was thankful and remain grateful for her help.

Alaina and I between sets at Pool Fools

For the week, I

  lifted weights one time,
  cycled 59.32 miles,
  bike ergged 8:00 minutes
  ran 1.2 miles, 
  swam 17,538 meters, and
  did Pool Fools

I'm sure you can see some deficiencies in there. But the swimming numbers and cycling numbers weren't too bad. In fact, I think that's my biggest swim week of the year. I think. I really don't feel like wading back through all my records to confirm or disfirm (add it to the lexicon) that.

To all who swam: thank you. To all who donated: thank you. To all who prayed: thank you. To my children, grandchildren, and son-in-law who came and watched: thank you. To my wife who endures all my stuff: thank you.

We left the pool with aproximately $7,000 donated. I have picked up a few more small donations and expect to get more in the coming days. I will keep you apprised as to the final numbers.

What's up next? Heart O' Dixie Triathlon.
My longsufferint wife, Penny.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Pool Fools, 2023

The day finally arrived and about three minutes until 8:00 a.m. on June 17, 2023, Penny and I headed to Twin Rivers. It was Pool Fools day, this year's fundraiser for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. I and eight other swimmers were set to do some swimming. At the end of the day, six of us had swum, a nice chunk of change had been raised, and a good time was had by some.

Wade Litton was the first to show up and not long after, Alaina Matthews appeared on the scene. Wade wanted to get his done so he started right away and swam 1.5 miles. Alaina had set her goal to swim three miles, and I wanted to swim with her since swimming, running, lifting, or painting a house with someone else is 500 times easier than doing it alone.

She said she was starting with a 1,000, so I eagerly joined in. We did that set in 22:11, not a stiff but a decent pace. After a little ice-cream, we started back and did another 1,000 this time in 21:47. For the third set, she said she was going 2,000 or maybe 1,500. She stopped after 1,700, and said she was thirsty.

Alaina and me between sets.

Next up was 1,100 to finish off her three miles. We did that in 23:14. When we stopped, I asked her to do 2 X 50 with me. My watch had thrown in an extra 50, so I wanted to swim one 50 with it off and one with it on to get back on track. Also, there were two quarters on the bottom of the pool that I had seen way too many times. We did the two 50s, I picked up the quarters, and Alaina left the pool. 

Sometime while we were swimming, Hugh Warren IV had come in. He was finishing when we stopped. I tried to get him to swim some more, but he said he was done. He had been travelling a lot and training little. I understood.

This is Hugh and I with the two quarters I got off the bottom.
The money was donated to the DFM.

After all of that, I swam several laps looking for money. I didn't find anymore. Then I settled in for a 1,200 meter set followed by a 1,800 meter set. Somewhere along the way, I picked up some pain. My right hand began to hurt, and my right deltoid hurt so bad it felt like a rabid dog was chewing it off. There is nothing like pain to sap your energy and motivation. While I was on that last 1,800, I thought it was time to start the pace clock. My old standby, the fall back on when I'm dragging but needing volume is 100s on 3:00. When I stopped at the wall, Alaina asked me how I was doing. I told her I had 3,000 leftt was going to swim them as 100s @ 3:00, and that I would be mighty happy if she swam them with me. She said, "Okay, let me get my goggles."

Praise God, thank you Jesus!!!

Alaina got back into the pool, and we began to slow process of whittling those 100s away, one by one. I think neither of us felt like doing it. Not only did I have the pain, but mentally I was worn out. With Alaina's help, we got it done. I knew the people on deck, my wife Penny, two people from the DFM, our duaghter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren, must have had a long day at the office.

Alaina and I at the finish.

After I climbed out of the pool, the DFM wanted a picture with one of those big checks. The number on it was $7,000 and counting. I call that a success. The goal was $10,000. More will come in. That much? I don't know.

What did I learn? I learned something I had already learned. Your goals, physical ones at least, need to frighten you. I stopped doing the Chicot Challenge a couple of years ago because it no longer frightened me. Well, Pool Fools didn't frighten me either, but it did intrique me. Swimming seven miles in a pool turned out to be a whole lot tougher than I expected. I suffered. If I do this again, I will be frightened.

I'll have more to say about this in another post, but for now, thanks to all who swam, supported, or gave.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Be There or Be Square

Thursday was an interesting day. First, I did my final taper swim before Saturday's Pool Fools. The sky was pretty dark, so I went inside and swam an easy 1,100 in the little pool. That got my day started right. At home, I stopped after two cups of coffee, and at work I did not drink a one.

At school, we had a truncated class due to the fact that I was speaking at Kiwanis/Lions at noon. Of course the students were furious at having to get out a little early. They always are. I left campus at 11:35 which put me at the Country Club about 12 minutes till. Perfect. Jerry Ables was out, so Richard Beatty introduced me. The club always asks for an intro and this is what I wrote:

Ever since June of 2012 when he made his first marathon swim to raise funds for diabetes charities, Zane Hodge has been known around here as the village idiot. Every year about this time, the idiocy comes out of him. His swimming exploits have gone from crazy to crazier. Why does he do these things? Why won’t he stop? What’s wrong with him? Friends and relatives have tried to reel him in. Pastors have tried to counsel him. An intervention was attempted, but failed. Therapists made an effort. But he keeps on doing stupid stuff. His wife say, “He just will not obey.”

His wife has also grudgingly concedes that he will never change. The pastors who counseled him say they still pray for him, but secretly some admit that they also have given up hope in his transformation. The therapist who plied his mind say he has Pain-Wish Syndrome and that there is no cure for this mental illness. By having him here today, we are enablers, encouraging him to continue his madness. But what else is there to do in a town this size?

Village idiots, however, serve important functions. First, they show us how normal our lives really are. That is a comfort to some and a challenge to others. Second, they provide a sense of wonder in our world, something that is often lost in childhood. Wonder makes life interesting, provides that spark of excitement that even a good cup of coffee sometimes fails to deliver. Third, they provoke us to pity. Pity is a good thing as it softens our hearts and makes us more attuned to the needs of others. Finally, they serve as scapegoats. Through their suffering, we often feel like we get to escape some of our own. That might not be true-- that we escape our suffering-- but it’s a nice to think so.

Today, we are here once more to enable the idiot, to see what suffering he has planned for himself this year. Pretend this is helping you because if you have diabetes it might. If you don’t have diabetes, let the idiot challenge you to do better: to exercise more, to eat less, and to watch your weight. Remember, village idiots serve an important function.

Richard didn't read it. Not one word. Yes, he had it. I saw it.

Lunch out there is always good, but I never eat enough. When I am up to speak, I don't want a full stomach. Anyway, I reviewed last year's Crazy Man Quadrathon, how the day went, and how the fundraising went. Then I told them about Pool Fools, who has exrpessed interest in swimming, and who has told me he or she was. They, the Kiwanis, made a donation. This makes three, maybe fours years in a row they have let me present the fundraiser to them.

After that, I went by Barry Brewer's to pick up the T-shirts. They weren't ready. What else is new? Forrest wanted to ride a little early, so I knew I was in for a tight afternoon. Sure enough, the shirts were ready right before I needed to leave for Money. I got them, and they look good. Then I went home, got my bicycle, and raced out the road. We cycled 22 miles. 

At the vehicles, he asked me how I felt. I said, "I am medium well done." He wanted more, so I followed him in my truck. I had no idea how much I was slowing him down. He was doing 18 all the way out Waley Road. About a mile or more from the road coming back, he stopped and asked me to pull him in. This made me very proud because he had never done anything like that. In the past, when we encountered a tractor, he always refused to jump on. In fact, it happened that very day. We passed a Johne Deere pulling a dirt scraper, I turned around and got in behind him. Not Forrest. So when he asked me to pull him in, I knew either he was growing more confident and daring, or he trusted me enough to ride my bumper. I hit a consistent 20 to 21 and he never even grimaced. He made his dad proud.

Thus ended my activity for the day. Poor Pee Wee. When I put my bicycle up, I could tell he had missed me. But I am letting my muscles recover. Saturday 8:30 to 1:00 at Twin Rivers is Pool Fools. Be there or be square.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

More Taper

Wednesday I tapered down even more. I swam in the little pool because it looked rainy, and I can't hear thunder when I'm in the water. I went 1,350 yards or 1,233 meters. That was it. No distance, no quality. I was home before the coffee was made.

It was leg day at the gym, but I didn't make it. Forrest wanted to ride, so we watched the weather and met at Money about 5:40. We cycled out Coleman Road then north on Money Road to the old Harmony MB Church. I think that is the name. Stephen Farmer and his wife bought it and are in the midst of a major remodel. That place is going to be something special. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Taper Time

The taper for Pool Fools has begun. I didn't swim a huge amount Monday, 2,500 meters. I cut that a little more Tuesday with an easy 1,600 meter swim. My shoulder felt fine, which was a huge relief to me. Thank you, Jesus.

After work, I took a nap. Then I ran a couple of errands. 

Next, it was to the City where I bike ergged 8:00, shuffled 1.2 miles on the dreadmill, and lifted both push and pull. That will be my only upper body lifting this week as I seek to get my muscles fresh and ready to swim big Saturday.

Notice, even my blog post is tapering. Life is good. Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A Different Monday

This Monday was a little different than most. I got up and swam like I've been doing. I only went 2,500 meters because my shoulder started feeling a little janky. JSS (Janky Shoulder Syndrome)  is not good, and I cannot afford to have it this close to Pool Fools. So I tapped out early and went home.

Work was non-eventfull but nice. I've said it before, but I say it again. I am liking this schedule, to have time to get some training in and get to work and still get off early. Life is good.

I did a little more re-arranging at the City. I dug out some more of my medals and hung them on the new wall. Penny found many of them that I had forgotten I put in a drawer. I still did not find a couple or three of my marathon medals. Those mean something to me. I got all my swimming medals up. From now on, I plan to hang those by the year. That should provide a little motivation when I am out there lifting. Often, I don't feel like doing it, lifting. Now I can look at the medals and think, this is one of the reasons I push myself.

Forrest contacted me about riding. I agreed. Bikes, Blues[,] & Bayous is on the horizon, and I need some training. Left to my own devices, the cycling always gets squeezed out. Last year it was Tyler who came to the rescue. He rightly insisted that we start riding. This year it looks like Forrest is the one God is using to keep my from being picked up by the SAG vehicle at BBB.

This was the difference, the riding. I rode but did not run or lift. We met in Money and rode Coleman Road, and that other one that goes east in front of the old gin. We totaled 19.1 miles. That was not huge, but for a first ride, I felt OK. I did tire a bit after 13 or so. But even my running has fallen way off for the past ten weeks.

It was about 7:45 when I made it back to the Hideout. That meant Plate City was out for the day. Too bad. I hope to hit it hard this afternoon.

Monday, June 12, 2023

6/5 - 6/11

I had a good week in the water, but on the road, well. Monday, I swam 3,000 meters, shuffle 1.19 miles, lifted weights, and did 4:30 on the bike erg. That wasn't a bad day. Tuesday was even better. In the pool, I hit 3,200 meters, on the road 1.49 miles, and in the gym I lifted and biked 5:00.

Being leg day, Wednesday yielded big numbers on the bike with 13:30 and lots of squats. In the pool, I went 3,300 meters. On the road, I was absent. In the gym, I set a new Association of Sports Strongmen world record for my age group and weight division at 305 on the deadlft. 

Thursday I swam, ran, and lifted. In the pool, it was 3,700 meters. I shuffled 1.75 miles, and lifted big. While in the gym, I spun 6:00 on the erg.

Friday was my last big day of the week. I swam with Tyler for 2,100 meters of quality. At the gym, I continued the renovations while I lifted. I also rode 7:15 on the erg.

Saturday was Dinkie's funeral. When we got home, I went to the City and pulled two new world records at 307 and 310. I contemplated attempting to go higher, but decided to leave well enough alone. Pool Fools is Saturday, and I can't afford an injury at this time.

For the week, I

  ran 4.43 miles,
  lifted weights six times,
  bike ergged 39:15, and
  swam 15,300 meters

The pool numbers were good and the lifting was solid. Everything else was disappointing. But that is the way it goes. I worked a lot on the gym, and worked at work, and nap some. That stuff takes time.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sad Saturday

If memory serves me correctly, I've been home three Saturdays this year. To put it another way, I have had three normal Saturdays in 2023. I want to stay home, drink coffee, pet cats, and workout when I feel like it. Yesterday was another day on the road. 

I'm not complaining, I'm explaining. Sometimes important things come up. A few weeks ago, we buried one of my cousins. Yesterday, we buried one of Penny's. We were on the road for four hours, had lunch in Winona, and arrived home about 5:30 in the afternoon.

Besides that, we have gone to swim meets, runs, visited and Aunt, taken trips out of town, and I don't remember what all. Next week is Pool Fools, so although we won't be travelling, it will not be a normal Saturday. 

I was not around Penny's cousin, Debra, much, but I liked her, and she seemed like a sweet person. Penny always spoke well of her. In fact, I never heard a single negative word about her. When Penny asked me if I wanted to go to the funeral, I answered that we needed to go. I'm glad we did. The service was sweet, and we had some nice time with her dad, Ellis, who rode with us. And we stopped for a burger at Bridges in Winona. Not day is a bad. No day is a bad day that has a Bridges burger in it.

Despite all of that and being very tired when we got home, I went to Plate City Gym for leg day number two of the week. I did the hip abdcutor/adductor machine for four sets, squats for fours sets, and many low rep sets on the trap bar deadlift. Wednesday I maxed on the deadlift at 305. It was heavy, moved slowly, and me legs shook as I finished the lift. Saturday evening, I decided to do it again.

It's not good training protocol to max twice in one week. It's not even good programing to max twice in one month. But I had a feeling and decided to follow the feeling. Using my PR makers, I hit 307 and knew I had more. I loaded 310 and hit it hard but solid. That makes three Association of Sports Strongmen world records in one week. I was estatic. The president of Big ASS Endurance himself, Dr. Timothy Noman, called me last night to congratulate me. What an honor. 

What's next? I plan to train hard Monday and then begin to taper for Pool Fools Saturday. If anyone reading this wants to come swim, you are welcome. Pool Fools is this year's annual fundraiser for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. Set your own goals, swim as far or short, as fast or slow as you want. Just raise some funds. Bring a check or two or three made payable to: Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. Representatives of the DFM will be poolside at Twin Rivers Recreation Center located at 503 West Barton Ave, Greenwood, Mississippi 38930. We will be there from 8:30 until 1:00 or so.

Who is the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi? Look them up at and read about Pool Fools there.

Besides being a fundraiser, this will also be an Association of Sports Swimmers event, and I hope to perform well enough to get another phone call. Let it be, Lord, let it be.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

That Suited me Fine

I met Tyler at the pool Friday morning at 5:45. We did 21 X 100 @ 3:00. It went something like this if I remember correctly.

  1 - 4 warmup
  5 -  8 floating 25
  9 - 10 first 50, second 50
  11 - 13 first and fourth 25, first and third 25, second and fourth 25
  14 - easy
  15 - all fast
  16 - 20 swim through paddle set
  21 - cooldown

That was a tough practice. It had a lot of quality, and although the volume wasn't too high, it suited me fine. And a good thing about was that I was home by 7:30. I had to wait until a little after 8:00, however, to get some coffee. My cook has taken to sleeping in until 8:00 every morning. I know what you're thinking. Can't you make coffee? I can and I do it well. But she doesn't like me to do it. At work, the ladies won't drink coffee I make either. They only like real-man coffee and say the stuff I make is colored water. I think my coffee is pretty good, and it hurts my feelings that no one will drink it. No one has ever been injured giving it a try. Anyway, I sit here now pecking out this post wanting my coffee, glancing at my watch, and trying to be patient.

I was outdoors pretty early working on Plate City. I cut the last stall matt and installed it. There is still a small area on the east end of the City that in uncovered, but I am through working with matts for awhile. While out there, I lifted my pull workout, admired my work, and hung out with Pee Wee. All of that suited me fine. It suited him fine too.

After lunch and a long nap, I went back to the City. My intention was to ride the Concept 2 Bike erg and maybe run a bit on the treadmill. I rode the bike for 7:15, but failed to get on the mill. I'm lazy like that. My legs were tired so I did some stretching and then cycled another 1:00 and went back inside for the day.

That made a pretty full day. Penny didn't want to go out so she picked up some chicken and we ate at home. I liked that. I was pretty worn down anyway, and staying at home suited me fine.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Late Post

I post most everyday every morning. This post is late because our internet has been down for several days. I was going in early to work and using the WiFi there. This morning, being off work, I had no chance to post. But alas, the ATT man men have come out and fixed the broken line 400 feet up the street. Yeah, it was messed up. 

So what did I do Thursday? I went to the big pool early and swam

3,300 1:18:03
200 small paddles
100 medium paddles
100 easy
total: 3,700 long course meters

After work, I went to Ace Hardware and bought some nails and a box cutter. I am making some improvements to the City. Pee Wee is helping. I took a short run and then mowed the front lawn. 

With Pee Wee at my side, we got some things done. We cut and laid more stall matts, and I put a board up for hanging my swimming and running medals on. 

With Pee Wee's help, we got most of the floor
covered. It looks good and feels better.

At the gym, I had to cut some matts with a box cutter. Believe it or not, that worked. Maybe not really well, but my circle saw will not cut them. I had to cut like skinning a buffalo, going deeper and deeper. I would work on one a few minutes and then do something else. Over. And. Over.

I have enough nails to hang another forty 
years of medals on. I have a group of
marathon medals somewhere. They
will go up there when I find them.

While I was out there, I lifted of course. I did my push workout. So between cutting, nailing, and lifting, I was busy. It's nice to be busy when you are doing something for yourself.

Thus, I had a productive day. I feel good about what I Pee Wee and I accomplished. Plate City is not the bomb anymore. It is the double bomb. Praise God.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Worked Hard, Workedout Hard, Slept Hard

Wednesday morning I was in the pool somewhat early. I'm liking the schedule. I go into work about 10:30. I have time to swim, eat breakfast, blog, drink coffee, and arrive at work early. Yehaa! I swam

  2 X 150 small paddles
  2 X 100 medium paddles
  100 easy 
  total: 3,300 long course meters  

I felt that one. I don't remember long course as being an issue in the past. But a lot of things weren't an issue when I was young, thin, and fit. I was young, thin, and fit one time. Now I am old, fattish, and stuggling. But I am still too stubborn to stop.

I had to have a truncated class because I was scheduled to work Orientation in Moorhead. The students come first except when it is time to kick instructors in the rear end. We had more advisrors than students registering, so my class lost instructional time they needed. In summer school. When instructional time is at a premium. See how crazy this made me? I just wrote two sentence fragments.

At home, I decided not to run because it was leg day at Plate City and I was wanting extra time to do things out there. I put up a board that I am going to hang my medals on. Also, I measured and marked another matt, but I did not begin to cut it. They are not easy to cut. In fact, my circle saw won't cut one. The one I did cut, I did with a dull knive. Yeah, that was fun.

I did a total of 13:30 on the bike erg, a bunch of squats, and I set a new Big ASS world record in the deadlift at 305. The old record was 300. That one was difficult. It barely came up, and my legs shook while it did.

Overall, it was a good day. I worked hard, workedout hard, and slept hard. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Getting It Done

Tuesday morning found me back in the big pool. Debbie said they have been working on the monster bugs, and what they have done has undoubtably worked because I have not seen one this week or last week. I swam 

  2,600 1:00:22
  4 X 50 @ WIFL
  100 small paddles
  100 medium paddles
  100 large paddles
  100 easy 
  total: 3,200 long course meters

That was a pretty decent endurance practice. 

After work, I shuffled 1.49 miles. It was hot, but a run that short didn't hit me too hard. 

Then I went to the City and cut and laid another stall matt. Not only that, but I put the power rack back. It's in a slightly new place freeing up room for some new equipment in the futre. I lifted pull and spun 5:00 on the bike. It was as good day. I need a few more of them. Help me, Jesus.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Most Bestest Gym You've Never Seen

The push for Pool Fools fitness began Monday morning. By 6:30 I was in the big pool. I swam

  2,100 51:05
  10 X 50 @ WIFL
  100 easy
  300 cool down
  total: 3,000 long course meters

That was not a super practice, but it was a solid one and one that should bump my endurance up a tad. Tomorrow I will try to top that.

After work, I paid the utility bill, and then went to see Barry Brewer about the T-shirts. They are ordered.

I ran shuffled a huge 1.19 miles. It was hot, but we got a cloud over, a breeze, and the dew point was only 66 so it wasn't too bad.

Then I went to Plate City. I did 4:30 on the bike erg and my full push workout. While I was out there, I began moving stuff so Simon and I could begin the next project of laying more stall matts and moving the power rack. I got everything moved and even laid four matts. Now the ones that have to be cut are the holdup. If I don't hear from Simon this afternoon, I am going to go ahead and try to cut the matts. Plate City is the most bestest gym you've never seen, and it's about to get a whole lot better. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

Monday, June 5, 2023

5/29 - 6/4

It was a light week of training but a heavy one of racing. Since Monday was Memorial Day, all I got done was a little swimming. I totalled 2,725 yards in the little pool. Why the little pool? With the State Games swim meet coming up, I needed to do some backstroke.

Tuesday I started back to work, but not before I went to the big pool and swam 2,700 meters. Later that day, I went to Plate City for my only upper body workout of the week. While there, I shuffled 1.53 miles on the treadmill and cycle 12:00  minutes on the Concept 2.

I was back in the big pool Wednesday morning for 2,000 meters. At the City, I worked legs and did 4:15 on the bike erg. 

I went back inside Thursday for my last practice of the week. I was a little late getting in so I was a little early getting out. I only swam 600 yards.

Friday was travel day, and Saturday was the State Games swim meet. I raced the 100, 200, and 400 free along with the 50 and 100 back. In addition to that, I got to participate in four relay races. It was fun. I had some success, and Penny enjoyed herself. What's not to like? With my warmups, I swam 2,000 meters that day.

For the week, I

  ran - 1.53 miles !!!!!!
  swam - 9,938 meters,
  lifted weights - two times !!!!!!, and
  bike ergged 16:15

That was a major fall off in running and lifting. Maybe I can pick it back up this week. I also need to hit the water hard. Pool Fools is in two weeks which really gives me only one week to train and one week to taper. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The State Games of Mississippi Swim Meet, 2023

We left Greenwood Friday morning around 8:20. We were headed first to Jackson, so Penny could shop some, and then to Meridian. Meridian? Yeah, the 2023 State Games. Although the State's largest amatuer sports festival offers 41 sports to compete in, I do only one of them: swimming.

We drove into town somewhere around 2:30 p.m. and found our motel, the Holiday Inn. We checked in and rested a bit. When Penny looked out the window and saw Ross's and another store she likes across the interstate, we had to go. She had to go. I had to take her. 

After that, we went downtown. There is a parade of athletes at the opening ceremonies. I was thinking I might get in that. But when we got to City Hall where all the festivities centered, I looked in vain for any semblance of a parade of athletes. I finally looked up the street and saw a bunch of American flags and kids in soccer uniforms. I walked up there and that was where everyone was lining up for the parade. Since it was nothing but kids, I opted out. I did see Bad Kate up there and her daughter Reese. Also, I bumped into a couple of my other colleagues from school. We chatted briefly, then I returned to Penny.

The parade of athletes kids happened, the star spangled banner was sung, the pledge of allegience said, a prayer made, the Olympic torch lit, and fireworks shot. After all of that, we went back to our room and slept.

Penny and me waiting on the fireworks.

Swimmers' warmup started at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning with the meet set to begin at 11:00. I don't know why so late, but that meant we had plenty of time for breakfast. We walked to Waffle House which was beside the motel. I have never had such good service. The eggs were good too. 

This was our second trip to the pool at Meridain Community College. I like that place. It overlooks the baseball field which joins the track which surrounds the football field. There is a gym attached also. I guess if you are an athlete at Meridian CC, learning your way around will take some time. Did I mention that the basketball gym is next door? 

I warmed up with 1,000 meters of easy swimming and some back stroking. We got heat sheets and then the party started. For me, the first event was the 100 free. I won gold, but I felt funny doing it. The result sheet they gave us after the meet said I swam the first 50 in 42 and the second one in 49. Huh? That is a seven second slowdown in a short race. I felt like I was panicking in almost all of my events. I did not feel nervous on deck, but in the water, it seemed that my heart rate was way too high, and I was in oxygen debt. Pacing? Unfelt nerves? Conditioning?  I don't know.

My handler looking over the heat sheet
before my first race.

My second race was the 100 back stroke. I was pitted against Gary Wright. Gary is a butterflyer and IMer. He does the Senior Olympics, and there I think he won all his races there this year. I have seen him swim but I had no clue how my back stroke stacked up against his. As I stood on deck waiting our race, he walked over and began to chat me up. He was trying to size me up. "I can tell your freestyle is faster than mine," he told me. All I could say in return was, "The backstroke is my best bad stroke." Turns out mine is way more bad than his. He soundly defeated me, but not to worry: I was awarded a silver medal for my second place finish.

Race number three for me was the 200 meter free. They had me in the pool with Tedd Gilbert and Jeff Andrews. These guys, former college swimmers, are in another league. But while they are in another league, thankfully they are also in another age group. Next year, however, Jeff ages up into mine group. So I won my group with a 3:22. That made two golds and one silver.

I swam the 50 back stroke for my fourth race and won my group again. The final individual event was the 400 free. I was in the pool with some former college swimmers, but luckily, again they were different ages. There was also a woman swimming with us and I was nervous about that. I did not want to lose to her even though that would have no consequence for the awards. This time, for the first time, I felt decent when I swam, no panic, no shortage of breath. Of course I was out of breath when I finished. If had not been, I would not have swum it right. But I felt strong and in control and ahead of the woman all the way. And my last 50 was my second fastest 50 of the whole race. That's the way it's supposed to be.

My medal haul at the
State Games.

After the meet proper, we did the relays. The best way I can describe the swim relays at the State Games is we draw it up in the dirt and go swim. Jack Mallette divides everyone into groups. First mixed, then male and female teams. We do the medley and then the free style relays. It's fast, furious, and fun. I was in a team with two females and one little kid. He looked about eight. He was somebody's son who was there and they let his swim the relays. When we got together, one of the ladies said to me, "You're the captain." So I asked the kid what he could swim. "Anything," he answered, "Great," I responded, "You swim breast." I had seen one of the women warming up with a butterfly. "You swim butterfly," I said to her. I had also seen the other woman swim back, so I assigned her backstroke. That left me safe with the freestyle leg. Last year I had to swim butterfly, and it was brutal on me. 

We swam two mixed relays then divided up again into teams by sex. Since there was an odd number of male swimmers, some of the better guys had to swim two legs. That was OK. It was real. It was fun. And it was real fun.

This year by the grace of God, I did not have to swim butterfly. Thank you, Jesus. And everyone who swims relays gets medals, so it's all good. At the end, they gave us result sheets and our medals for the relays. It was a blast. If you are a Masters swimmer reading this, put this meet on your calendar for next year. Don't be afraid. You will probably do a lot better than you expect. And the relays: nothing but chaos and fun. You don't want to miss that.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Taper Time

It was a pretty tame day in a lot of ways. One way was in my morning swim. I had planned to swim the little pool so I could do some back stroke work. On the way over, I realized I had forgotten my watch. Normally I will not swim without my watch, but I was only doing a little bit so I thought I could count. I counted 500 free. 

Someone else came in and started swimming. Often the Bowmans come in around 7:00. With two of us and two of them, that was two too many. I swam 2 X 50 back and then the Bowmans arrived, so I got out. That was only 600, but hey it's taper time.

I went to work and had a stressfull morning. I had a student show up for the first time. Why do students do this?!?!?!?!?!? I was shocked, saddened, angry, confused, and enraged, irritated, and thirsty for coffee all at the same time. So I went and made coffee and tried to calm myself. Lucky for him, I discovered one of the other students didn't know what was going. And that always happens. Just when I think I have things so simple that it can't be missed, I found out that students find a way to run off in a ditch. So I started all over. Otherwise this guy had no chance. Even started all over, putting five hours into two and a half is a rush that I don't think I could handle if I were the student. 

After work, I ate lunch, rested a little, and went to Tractor Supply one more time. I hope this is my last trip there for a while. I bought two more stall matts. While I was there, the guy in line behind me asked me my name. As soon as he did, I recognized him as Baird Moore. Wow, I had not seen him in maybe more than forty-five years.

Back home, Simon helped my move the matts to the back. That got my left knee to hurting, so I didn't run. I also didn't lift because I am tapering for the swim meet, remember? So I had a stressfull and easy day. That's a nice combination. An interesting one at least. Praise God anyway.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


The countdown to the State Games has begun. Heck, it better. This coming Saturday, we will be swimming at Meridian Community College in a short course meters pool. Huh? Yeah, that is rare. Actually it's the only one I've ever swum in. Short course meters, I mean. They only let us do five events there plus relays. I am signed up for the 100, 200, and 400 free along with the 50 and 100 back. 

Wednesday morning I went to the big pool and swam

  4 X 50
  100 easy
  total: 2,000 meters

Actually, the big pool is a yards pool, 55 to be exact. So what I am calling meters is just a tad short of that. I think 55 yards equals 50.5 meters. But I am in the habit of thinking of it as meters, so that is how I set my watch and how I record it in my training journal.

After that, I went to work and had a nice class. This, so far, has been an enjoyable class. It's small, I have things focused, and we are moving on nicely. 

In the late afternoon, I mowed the front lawn and lifted at the City. I worked legs, and Simon helped me move three stall matts to the back. Next week, Plate City is going to go through another renovation. The City just keeps getting more gooder and more gooder.