Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nearly Dangerous

I've been doing a lot of napping with cats, drinking coffee, and writing Poot stories. I love me some Poot stories. With the weather being how it is, my place of employment has been closed from Tuesday on through today. This has led me to tell you way more about Poot than I ever intended, and it has also caused me to contract a very serious illness. This odd string of circumstances has given me a bad case of the disease of ease.

The disease of ease is something I unfortunately come down with from time to time, but this time around it has been devestating. The sympotoms include (but are not limited to) an inordinate amount of napping, excessive coffee drinking, an uncontrollable urge to eat potato chips, Oatmeal Cream Pies, and candy bars, weight gain, loss of physical fitness, mental agitation, and a general dismal view of the future. Currently I am experiencing my worst case ever.

MDCC is not the only school to close. I think they all have during the great winter storm of 2015, also known as Remus. But the only other closing that impacts me is DSU, may alma mater. She has closed also. Her closing Tuesday knocked us out of a Masters practice. What made that cancellation so painful was the fact that we missed the entire week before due to a college swim meet, and the fish ponds were way too cold to think about swimming, even with a wetsuit. I'm not sure that the great cold water man himself, Shawn C. Turner, could swim these ponds right now. And as I type this, I am waiting on dreading my phone to buzz announcing a text from coach saying practice is off again tonight.

I swear, I am going to be dangerous.

I have missed two weeks of swimming, and I have a nineteen mile swim due in early June. I know, Shawn, I got this. But I am starting to get a bit antsy. It happens every year. Why can't i just train and go into the swim relaxed without the drama? I know what Poot would do. Poot would burn something down. But I ain't Poot and besides, we repented of all that sinful stuff we used to do.

I did go to Twin Rivers and lift weights Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday, I waited for the snow to pile up in the streets and then I went out. I walked a bit first and then shuffled for .7 of a mile. The snow was gorgeous and being out in it was a true worship experience as I thanked God over and over for the priviledge of experiencing His astounding beauty. This morning, when I arose and stood up, I had no unusual sensations in my foot, so maybe I really am on the road of recovery this time. If not, I swear, I'm gunna be dangerous.

Not only have I not been able to train, but these snow days will impact my future possibilities. We will have to make the days up even though this is a seventeen week semester as opposed to the normal sixteen weeks. It's not about pedagogy, it's about retaliation: retaliation for something none of us poor teachers (I mean that literally) had anything to do with. And when will we make the days up? you ask. On Firdays, of course, the one day I count on to get in some real endurance work.

I feel myself becoming dangerous.

I plan to get out on foot today and try to shuffle about .75, and if Cagri texts and says, 'Too bad guys, no practice,' I will grudgingly set up an appointment with the Endless Pool Fool. It's better than a poke in the eye, but only because I really like my eyes.  No, really, it is better than that.

Anyway, sorry about the rant and thanks for reading. I just needed to vent a little, and this blog gives me a venue to do that. If I didn't have this outlet, I swear I'd be dangerous.

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