Saturday, September 5, 2020

Big Friday

For the first time in a very long time, maybe a year, I was up early on Friday. In fact, I was swimming by ten minutes until 5:00. John was only sixteen minutes late. I swam

4,800 1:59:34
100 small paddles
6 X 100 medium paddles
total: 5,700 meters.

I then went home and worked. 


MDCC. They hate us. 

I worked, and prepared to drive to Carrollton. I parked at Dollar General at the junction of Highways 82 and 17. I ran 17 for 7.26 miles out and turned around and ran back plus a few steps for 14.55 miles. 

Highway 17 is a nice road to run because it has lots of hills and lots of shade. Running north and south with tall pine trees growing close to the road, hot sun is not a problem. It was hot, but not sunny.

One thing I did that gave me a charge was to wear two Garmins. I recently purchased a 935. I wanted a 920 but could not find one. The 935 is a more updated watch but that is not necessarily a good thing for me. It has so many bells and whistles that I am bewildered by it. I can't find History and I can't figure out how to set up workouts and a bunch of other stuff. I know the 920 backwards and forwards and it has huge numbers on the display which is great for an old man like me.

With the two watches, I turned one only when I was running uphill. I know, I could have lapped the 935, but I can't find History and I would have to add up all the laps afterwards. With my older Garmin on my right arm, I was able to keep up with how far I had run going uphill in real time. I finished the day with 6.6 miles going up. I don't know how many feet of vertical I did, the 935 will track that, but I don't know how to do it. I could tell it too. My glutes felt like I had been kicked swiftly and repeatedly by a strong mule. Really, they hurt and were sore. For a delta boy, 6.6 miles is a lot of climbing.

No, I did not go to the gym. I was pretty washed out by the time I drove home. I took a bath, took nutrition, and then took a nap. Thank you, Jesus, for a solid day of training.

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