Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9/12 - 9/18

This is a rewrite. Somehow I deleted this post so I am rewriting it for posterity's sake. 

Monday I was at the pool as early as I could get there and swam

11 X 200 @ 4:20
1,000 small paddles
100 easy
total: 5,100 meters.

After my night class, I shuffled 2.17 miles, my only run of the week.

Tuesday it was

6 X 150 @ 3:09
700 small paddles
6 X 100 @ 2:00
700 small paddles
100 easy
total: 4,400 meters.

Wednesday, John had to take his wife, Patsy, to a doctor's appointment in Jackson so I went to the pool alone. I swam

2 X 250
total: 3,000 meters.

Thursday, John was too tired to train after his trip to Jackson so I swam alone again.

10 X 50 @ 1:12
500 small paddles
10 X 50 @ 1:12
500 small paddles
10 X 50 @ 1:12
100 easy
total: 4,100 meters.

Friday is distance day. John came in a bit late. I swam

2,600 55:02 (2:06)
3,000 1:04:43 (2:09)
3,200 1:08:36
3,200 1:09:02 (2:09)
total: 12,000 meters.

Saturday was the 300 Oaks road race, but I missed it due to some knee trauma. Too bad. I was a lock to place and maybe win my age group. One of the few advantages of getting this old is hitting new age groups and getting to compete against old men. The competition always thins and the times always slow. I am a perfect example of why. I becomes more and more difficult to simply make it to the starting line. So instead of running, I went to the pool and swam

10 X 50 @ !:00
500 small paddles
total: 2,500 meters.

For the week, I swam 31,100 meters but did little else. Maybe next year.

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