Thursday, January 13, 2022

Tough on Both Ends

Plate City was cold Wednesday morning. Even Pee Wee shivered some while he watched the gate for Tyler to arrive. Once there, we went to work. We had plans to max out on the squat.  Why? We max out to find our one-rep max so we can train using percentages. I had not maxed in eleven months, and we had no clue where Tyler was.

My squat weight is classified. Tyler hit 320, and he is the only one who has the security clearance to know my squat max. I was up five pounds from my last test. Five pounds?! Well, I have not been very consistent on leg work so I count that as a win. Leg work is difficult, and I am naturally not good at that. Thus, I favor, like most people, the things, the lifts I am good better at. Now that I have Tyler, maybe he can hold me accountable for doing my leg work consistently and fervently.

Anyway, maxing out takes longer than a regular workout so we were out there until daylight. Then I had my long day at work Wednesday. In the afternoon, I took a shuffle. The two eight-milers and the max squat session had my legs wanting to do anything else but run. I shuffled and walked until I hit four miles at just barely faster than walking pace. Then I tapped out. 

Wednesday nights I swim with Tyler. We met at 6:00. This is what we did.

2 X 25
11 X 150 @ 3:37
2 X 25 back
total: 2,750 yards

On the 150s, we had a floating 50 until we didn't. When we didn't, we had a floating 75. After that we had a floating 100. Then we had one all out and an easy one. What is a floating you ask? In a floating something, you have a fast section embedded in the longer swim. The fast part moves with each repeat, hence it floats. I am of the opinion that it is actually easier to swim it all hard rather than to shift gears once or twice during the swim. I don't know why, but it always felt harder to me.

So, we hit it hard on both ends of the day. We are training for the big event that we hope comes off June 2. What's that you say? Well, I guess I should tell you pretty soon. One reason I have been holding out is that one of the civic clubs lets me come speak each year, and I wanted to announce it then. But that will be so close to the event that we will lose some of the fundraising appeal. So I don't know when, but soon I will at least announce it here, then later on Facebook, then maybe some of the Greenwood people will still not have heard.

It was a solid day. I slept well. Praise God Almighty from whom all blessings flow.

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