Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Since I work at the Greenwood Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I had more time in the pool. Not a lot more time, but I was able to warm up with 

1,300 and then go into my set of 200s for

5 X 200 @ 4:35. That was a good set. I went


Then I cooled down with an easy 100 with small paddles. The total practice was 2,500 meters.

At work, things went pretty well. There was one hiccup. One of my classes filled up. Due to social distancing guidelines, we have limited seating. This has put everything in disarray. Some students come one day, some students come another, and some don't come at all. One student was insistent on coming in after I told him to come back Wednesday. 

Other students started moving desks around to make room and keep distance. This made me nervous, and I became a bit testy because a student on the Moorhead campus took a picture of a teacher with his or her mask off (and it could have been me), and the picture wound up with Dr. Jackson. I thought this was a recipe for another picture of someone too close to someone else so I threatened the class with bodily harm if anyone took a photo. I ordered all phones out of sight, and surprisingly the class complied.

After work-- I had to work until 6:00 p.m-- I did some weights and another edition of my 5K Special. 
On the weights, I did regular barbell rows as

15 X 55
16 X 55
15 X 60
20 X 60

Also I did three sets of reverse flys and some rotator cuff work.

The version of the 5K Special I did was 22 reps of squats at 57.5 pounds followed immediately by 

.4 fast
.35 easy
.4 fast
.35 easy
.4 fast
.65 easy
total: 2.55 miles with 1.2 miles of fast running.

Thank God that I am through with registration. That is what my boss told me, that if I work late Tuesday, I will be done. Now maybe I can adjust to my actual schedule. Thank you, Jesus.

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