With all the hoopla about COVID-19, I have become extremely disturbed over the lack of interest, focus, and study on the real pandemic that has swept America and threatens to send us all to an early grave. The disease I am speaking of has affected two thirds of adult Americans. Let that sink in, two thirds of American adults and a whole bunch of younger people have this condition.
One shocking thing is that I think I caught it years ago, but I have never been diagnosed. I have battled for years with no help from the medical community. In the words of one recently outraged citizen, "The medical community continues to treat obesity like it is a choice rather than the disease that it is."
That is so true. Think about it, outside of a few sumo wrestlers and power lifters, who chooses to be fat? In case that is over your head, the answer is no one, no one chooses to be fat.
My personal physician always weighs me in when I make a visit to his office, but he has never offered any advice or drugs or treatment on combating my borderline obesity. Can't he see I caught it? Isn't there a blood test that reveals it? Don't you have certain pathogens in your body if you have been exposed?
I think I was exposed at a family cookout. My sister was there and she has obesity. My fat uncle was there and he had obesity before he died. If not there, a trip to Walmart is enough to infect anybody. Then there was school. We had to sit by fat kids, eat with fat kids, go to recess with fat kids. If you played football, the linemen were always fat kids. I have never heard of anyone being quarantined because of obesity. Have you? Why not?
Maybe health care officials think that we will develop herd immunity like they hope we will with COVID. But instead of herd immunity, we are becoming hog fat. Our approach must change.
Don't think this disease is not dangerous because it is. It leads to a plethora of other diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, strokes, cancer, and liver disease. Not only that, but the joints are affected and can be worn out because of obesity. Obesity is a beast that we must kill for the survival of the human race.
Too much time has already been wasted. I am calling for medical research to focus on fat and develop a vaccine that will prevent us from becoming humongous. Don't worry about COVID or the regular flue or the other things that kill people every year. Think how nice life will be when we don't have to say no to that extra bowl of ice-cream, or that second chicken or second watermelon or second pie. That's the life I want. Give me that life or I die.
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