Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Good Start and Baseball Confusion

I have a good week started in the pool. Yes, John was late, but so what. I swam

   2,200 49:56

   2 X 50 build

   3 X 300 @ 6:15

      1 - 5:29

      2 - 5:31

      3 - 5:32

  300 medium paddles

  brick kick

  3 X 100 50 breast/50 free

  various 100s with paddles until

  4,500 long course meters. 

I did not run until after lunch when it was good and hot. By the way, if you are reading this, please pray for me. My anger grows every day when I type this blog. The platform I am using does not like you to change from the default font. The default font is ugly. I do not like ugly fonts. I won't allow them in my classes at school. Every time I start a new paragraph, it reverts to the default. So far, I have had to change the font thirteen times. Thirteen times! I am not a man of patience, and I fear I will break my computer.

At the gym, it was pull night. I did the chest-supported row for six sets, two sets of one-armed bent rows, some chins, some facepulls, and some lat work.

When I went inside to watch Mississippi State play baseball, the announcers said they were in rain delay and the score was 7 to 4 Mississippi State. Then the game started. Huh? I watched it all and the score was never 7 to 4. The score in the first game was never 7 to 4. So what the heck was that about? Did anybody else see that? Can someone explain this to me?

Praise God we won, 13 to 2. The final game is tonight. Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

One Hour and Fifty Minutes

One hour and fifty minutes.


Are you surprised?

I guess not.

I swam

   2,100 47:42

   2 X 50 build

   500 for time 9:32 (400 7:40)

  300 medium paddles

   6 X 50

   2 X 100 25 back/25 breast/50 free

   300 small paddles

   50 breast 1:10

   350 easy

   total: 4,500 meters.

That is good training right there. It just is.

Back home, I went out for a shuffle. I tried the river trail, but it is still a mess down there. After lunch, I went to Monroe to mow. While there, the blade broke on the mower. Heck, I never had that happen before. So I went back home and hit the gym. At Plate City, I benched on the decline

   15 X 45

   12 X 88

   10 X 98

Flat bench press

   13 X 103

   12 X 108

   12 X 118

Then I did some lateral raises, some low cable raises, and one set of overhead presses with dumbbells. So all in all, it was a pretty solid training day, a swim, a run, and some gym work. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, June 28, 2021

6/21 - 6/27

I had another good week in the water, but a slim one everywhere else. Monday I swam 4,100 meters. Somehow I failed to do anymore training. Tuesday, however, I was hitting on all cylinders, swimming 4,200 meters, running 2.39 miles, and lifting weights.

Wednesday I continued my upward creep in the pool with 4,300 meters. Also I continued my downward creep on the road with a mere 1.33 miles of roadwork. At the gym, I hit legs lightly.

Thursday I hit 4,400. I consider that a lot in a long course pool. My roadwork again was minimal with 1.7 miles. I took the rest of the day off to prepare for my trip Friday. I went to Raysville, Louisiana and visited an old friend. We rode bicycles for 25.36 miles giving me my first ride in several weeks.

Saturday I went to the little pool and did stroke work. The breast stroke right now is my second major weakness. A single 25 yards leaves me gasping for air. I finished with 3,300 yards which gave me 3,012 meters for the day. I ran 3.13 miles, and lifted full body. Yeah, I did it all at the gym, push, pull, and legs.

For the week, I
   swam 20,012 meters,
   ran 8.45 miles,
   lifted weights three times, and
   cycled 25.13 miles.

This week I hope to continue my watery ways in the pool, crank up the running to where it needs to be, and hit the weights like I am training for a body building show. No, I am not a body builder; I am a weight trainer. But body builders work hard in the gym, and I take a lot of inspiration from them.

Oh, we had a good crowd at church Sunday. Well, it was a good crowd for us. That made me happy. I preached a message commemorating the 4th of July from Acts chapters 4 and 5. Penny and I then had a nice meal at No Jay Wose. I ate the Mexican style burger. It was good, yeah.

Thank you, Jesus, for a good and full week and a nice day at church.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trip to Louisiana

In my last post, I said tomorrow, but I will go ahead and tell you today. I went to Rayville, Louisiana to visit and old friend.

At 5:02 a.m., I pulled out of the driveway on Crockett Ave and headed for the MacDonald's on Highway 82 West. One car was ahead of me in the drive through. He waited about a minute then blew his horn. After another minute and another horn blow, I left. If you want to know how not to do things, come to the delta. We specialize in bad service.

I stopped at Mikey Dee's in Indianola and got the coffee I craved. Then I proceeded on to Greenville, across the bridge and into Arkansas where I turned south and headed for Louisiana. At Kilbourne, I noticed that the building that formerly housed the Old Warehouse Fish House was gone. I had read that it collapsed in the ice storm last winter. The tables and chairs were stacked out front while the slab sat there naked begging to be built upon.

After Kilbourne, I stopped at a convenience store in Oak Grove, Louisiana to get more coffee. When I made my way to the counter to pay for the coffee, I notice two rows of long arms behind the counter. There were bolt action rifles, shotguns, and "assault rifles." 

"Wow," I commented. "I have never been in a convenience store that sold guns."

"We sell everything here except socks," the cashier answered.

I love it. I always liked Louisiana. Dad used to fish a lot in south Louisiana. I made some trips with him down there. I also have long admired LSU football. I found it fascinating that they could field nationally competitive teams filled with players from towns in the state that is takes a road atlas and a magnifying glass to find on the map. My wife and I used to eat fish in north Louisiana, in Kilbourne, and of course, you have to admire a state where you can buy a gun and coffee under the same roof. 

Now I was making a foray further into northern Louisiana. After Oak Grove, I travelled a plethora of back roads into the real part of the state, into the part where real people live. Thanks to a smart phone, I was able to confidently make turn after turn until I made it. I followed orders and turned into a driveway that was supposed to be Jimmy Pelley's. Stopping the truck, I looked out the windshield at ferns everywhere. This must be it, I thought, because Jimmy told me they had a fern rental business. 

Stepping out of the truck, I noticed Jimmy sitting in a swing under the carport. A smile broke across his face and one mine. "Hey old Geezer," he said. We hugged, then sat outside, drank coffee, and chatted. I asked how long it had been since we had seen each other. I thought it was last at the 2004 camp meeting, but he reminded me that we had once bumped into each other at the Cotton Classic in Greenville. However long it had been, the distance vanished like the morning dew before a hot sun. That is the way it is with old friends, with real friends: time and distance does not change things. It was as if we had been together only yesterday.

To make a short story long, we loaded Jimmy's bicycle and headed out to West Monroe. One of his daughters, Katianne, and her husband, Caleb, live there. We were going to take a cycle ride with them. When you get to West Monroe, you are not in the delta anymore. The land bumps up and looks a lot like Carroll County, Mississippi. 

We picked up Katianne and Caleb in an upscale neighborhood and then traveled to a Fox's Pizza where we parked and unloaded our bicycles. We rode from there. I, of course, was totally lost the whole time. Not only that, but the hills were kicking my hinder parts. We rode through neighborhoods, through a golf course, by lakes, past churches, around farms, through woods, past chicken coops, up hills, down hills, across bridges, and even near an interstate. Finally we finished back at Fox's with 25.36 miles on our legs and butts.

Rhonda, Jimmy's wife, was in the parking lot. I thought that meant we were going inside. It meant we were going inside. Fox's pizza is good, yeah. We ate and visited and it was nice. Caleb is really nice and Katianne is very strong on a bicycle. After that, we drove back to Rayville, and it was time for me to head home.

I had a nice trip and am glad I made it. Usually I go back to work in the fall and wish I had done several things. Well, I can mark this one off my list. I did it. Maybe I can do it again. I only wish I had taken some pictures.

Thank you, Jesus.

Four in a Row for John

Thursday was a big day. It started with a swim. Yes, John was late by forty-two minutes. Here is John's record for the week:

   Monday - 1:25

   Tuesday - :25

   Wednesday - 2:05

   Thursday - :42

If my math is correct, that is a total of four hours and thirty-seven minutes late over four days. Being an adult is being on time. This is why I stay so aggravated at John all the time. I have told him over and over to talk to his daughter about his funeral. "If you are not late, I am not preaching." I mean that.

At the pool, I swam

   2,000 45:52

   400 for time 7:20

   200 medium paddles 4:12

   brick kick (second slide)

   1,000 countdown 20:11

   8 X 100 @2:30 large paddles

   total: 4,400 long course meters.

I only ran 1.7 miles when I got home. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I just have not been feeling the run. Maybe I am putting too much energy into the water, but that is my priority right now.

At Plate City, I hung out with Pee Wee and mowed the front lawn. Then I began to get ready for my trip to Louisiana. Huh? Tomorrow. I'll tell you about that tomorrow.

We had an Association fellowship meeting in Winona, that is the Carmont Association. Carmont is an amalgam of Carroll and Montgomery, the two counties in our association. I love these. COVID knocked them out for a year. Now they are back. We ate, visited, and listened to Wesley Davis, formerly of the Wrong Way Quartet, sing. When I asked him if he used to be with the Wrong Way Quartet, he quickly corrected me. "One Way Quartet," he said. 

So we got home from the fellowship meeting, and I went to gas up my truck. Then I finished getting my stuff together. I would leave early in the morning. 

Thank you, Jesus, for a good and productive day.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Making an Entrance

John was two hours and five minutes late yesterday. And he made an entrance. By entrance I mean he yelled out, "Hey!" I was on the wall for something. I immediately started back swimming.

In the past, my son has suggested that John is a literary device. Recently my daughter has suggested the same thing. Likewise has my long-time friend Charlie Turner. So for you people who wonder if John is even real, here is a pic.

The old geezer, John, on the bus at the
University of Alabama.

By the way, I am probably the most easy going, tolerant teacher who ever stood behind a lectern at a high school, university, or junior college. But I throw students out of class for doing what John does ever time we swim. You do not come in late and make an entrance. John and I are destined to have a talk.

I swam

  1,800 41:52

  350 for time 6:39

  150 easy 3:24

  brick kick

  700 countdown 14:17

  100 small paddles

  11 X 100 @ 2:25 with large and medium paddles

  100 easy

  total: 4,300 meters.

I left John in the pool. He was trying to chat up the ladies water aerobics. Back home I went out for a real short shuffle, 1.33 miles. My legs were tired. Brick kick? In case you are wondering how that works in a long course pool, I'll give you an answer: not very well. I made it to a ladder less than half way. I will try again today.

I mowed grass on Monroe. The neighbors are still harassing us over there. I will spare the details. I did not even get angry, but it has the potential of a big blowup.

After that, I loaded an exercise machine into my truck and headed to Lexington. I was making a sell of something I somehow purchased two of. While there, I bought a watermelon and then headed home. At the gym, I did light legs and then went in for the night.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Hello Countdown My Old Friend

John was only twenty minutes late. He thinks that is on time. The water had cooled a degree or two with the clouds and the rain from the day before. I swam

  1,650 37:55

  50 picking up money

  300 for time 5:40

  3 X 50

  400 countdown 8:06

  200  small paddles 4:18

  500 countdown 10:10

  200 medium paddles

  600 countdown 11:58

  4 X 50 large paddles

  total: 4,200 long course meters.

The countdown set is my old friend in the long course pool. You might not remember so I will give you a little review. It begins with 400 and then I add to it. On the 400, I swim the first 25 of the first 100 fast. On the second 100, I swim the second 25 fast. On the third 100, I swim the third 25 fast. On the fourth 100, well, you can guess can't you. I count down the set by the 100s and when I swim the last 25 fast, I am finished. 

The 400 countdown was originally given me by Coach Cagri at Masters Swim. Then I started adding to it on my own. I made it a 500 by adding a 100 easy after the last 25 fast. That way I was recovering while swimming instead of recovering on the wall. If you do the math, you will see that there is an easy 100 after each hard swim. But when I went to 600, I switched to a full 50 fast. That is where the set gets tough because 50 meters is long enough to get the heart rate up pretty high.

Today I plan to swim a 700 and 800 countdown. If you can't tell me how I will swim the 7th and 8th 100, go sit in a corner and wear a dunce cap. This set is not only physically difficult, but you have to think the whole time. If you lose your place, it is over. So it is a fun set for me and keeps me entertained while I pile up the yardage. Uh, meterage. 

Back home, I even went out for a little run before lunch. Yes, it was little. I shuffled for 2.29 miles. Hey, that might not be much, but it is better than a poke in the eye. I tried to go down onto the river trail. I got on the east end of it but could only make a few yards before I came upon the river covering the trail. 

After lunch, I decided it was time to take care of some business. I had a pile of eight ten pound plates by the backyard gate for months now. The idea was to take them to Leflore Steel to get a dumbbell made. They moved to the Industrial Park recently, and I did not know exactly where their new place is. So I loaded my plates and drove out. I drove around until finally I found them. Then I went inside and asked the first person I saw where Donny Cleveland was. He said, "Through those doors." I went through the doors and found him. So now I have an 80-pound dumbbell in the pipeline.

After that, I started on the backyard. First I weedeated. Then I mowed. After that, I laid some blocks that I moved over from the old house. Then I did another project that has been on my "To Do" list for a long time. I had some plywood stacked up against one of my homemade weight trees. It was ratty looking. I got out the circle saw, and reduced all of that wood to small rectangles to use while deadlifting. The idea is to work my high rack pulls down to deadlifts. Right now, my high rack pulls are a hair above knee height. I started lifting while I mowed. The last thing I did was high rack pulls. When I reached my top set, I pulled ten pounds off the bar and put a 3/4 inch board down to stand on. Wow. The 3/4s of an inch made a difference. The set went like this:

  11 X 185

    6 X 235

    4 X 255

    2 X 265

    1 X 275

    1 X 265 (one board)

    1 X 255 (two boards)

Now with the plywood sawed into smaller pieces and neatly stacked, the backyard looks better, and I have a new game to play while lifting. Over the weeks, I will keep adding boards. This will increase my volume on heavy pulling, and should carry over to my deadlifting as the range of motion increases.

So I had a big day. I did all three workouts, and pulled off some stuff that needed doing for a long time. Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Late Swimmers and Pouting Cats

I swam the big pool Monday morning. I went in at 8:00. We had an agreement, John and I, to meet there at 8:00. He was one hour and twenty-five minutes late. One hour and twenty-five minutes. I think he was proud of himself. He is a child, a seventy-six year old child. 

I swam

1,200 27:27

2 X 50 taking care of stuff

2 X 250 hard/250 easy





6 X 100 @ 2:25

200 easy

2 X 100 @ 2:25

500 small paddles

200 medium paddles

4 X 100 large paddles

2 X 50

total: 4,100 meters.

I did not do anymore training.

Surprisingly I was tired. My muscles were tired. I felt the strain in my trapezius muscles. 


Yeah. I never heard of that either. They are not even a prime mover in swimming but are antagonists. 

More shrugs?

I think. Balance. Muscular balance is important.

Meanwhile CC has been insatiable. For several weeks she has been giving me the treatment. I think we are made up, and then it starts all over again. Finally, I figured it out. When she greets me, it is not enough for me to speak, make eye contact, and touch her. I have to make a fuss over her. Anything less hurts her feelings. She is like that, needy, demanding, diva-ish. That is OK with me. I just wish she had told me.

Imagine this. I get up at 5:30 a.m. to use the bathroom. She comes running, meowing. I am trying to accomplish three things: not fall down, not wake fully up, and get my business done so I can catch a few more winks. Now I know I probably have to wakeup fully to give her a bunch of attention or she will sulk off pouting, and sleep in the kitchen for a week. 

We had Over 60s for the third time since COVID wrecked our world, and for the first time since starting back, the Barrentines were there. We enjoyed fellowshipping with them and the Adams and the others. The fish was very good, and we played Bingo. Junior won a pack of Reese's and gave them to me. He is a sweet man.

It was a good day, a nice start to a new week. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, June 21, 2021

6/14 - 6/20

I did well and poorly at the same time last week. I fell off a cliff in my roadwork, but swam a lot and swam well. Monday I stroked 3,450 yards in the little pool and lifted weights. I chose not to run in part because I didn't want to push things. I was tired. 

Tuesday I swam 4,000 meters in the big pool. Later I did big lifting. But again, I cooled my heals after the second workout and did not attempt the third. Wednesday I was back in the little pool for 4,650 yards. However, I neither ran nor lifted weights.

Thursday I busted out 4,450 yards and lifted weights. Friday, Penny, Andrea, and Caitlin and I went to Jackson so I did no training unless you count the massive eating I did at Berry's. Saturday, I was back on track. At the little pool, I did my first straight swim in a while and went for 6,300 yards. At home, I lifted big then went out for my only run of the week, a short 1.62 miles.

For the week, I 

ran a whopping 1.62 miles,

lifted weights four times, and

swam 21,228 meters.

That was a good week in the gym and a good one in the water. I had little energy or interest in running. I am not sure why. Maybe next week. Thank you, Jesus. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Taking it Easy

It's Friday morning, and I just woke up. My wife is off work and our daughter and granddaughter are coming this way around 9:00 or 9:30. We are going to Jackson. On the way, we will drop the last of the diabetes money off at the DFM office in Ridgeland. It has been a good fundraising year.

I did not blog yesterday because I had to work, had to be in Moorhead at 8:30 a.m. We had an interview committee to hire not one but two English teachers. I do not like this necessary and important business. I do not like to sit in judgement of someone else, and I do not like being part of breaking someone's heart. I have received that letter. I know how it hurts. Yes, I know, it's life. But that does not mean I have to like it.

Wednesday I swam 4,650 in the little pool. It went like this: 

  2,000 40:35

  800 for time 13:15

then a bunch of other stuff. 

Thursday I gave into my want to and swam

  2,100 40:02

  900 for time 14:31

(see what I did there?) then a bunch of other stuff for a total of 4,450 yards. 

I did not run. I did lift. My plans were to swim this morning. I woke up and knew that I needed rest more than I needed a swim. So I peck at the computer. I wait on the coffee. I wait on the girls. It will be a good day. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Big Pool

I swam the big pool yesterday. It has finally warmed to 86 degrees. I did 

  150 3:23 stopped to move robot stuff

  1,150 26:11

  5 X 200 @ 4:25

    1 - 3:48

    2 - 3:47

    3 - 3:45

    4 - 3:42

    5 - 3:39

  500 easy 10:59

  12 X 100 @ 2:23

  total: 4,000 meters.

I was pleased with the drop in the 200s. I did not plan it that way and was surprised when I checked my watch later. It was a good practice.

I took another day off the road. Remember the sore patella tendon I had before the Great Geezer? Well that cleared up. What replaced it is a sore tendon a little bit higher. 


So at Plate City, I did pulls. On the new T-bar, I pulled

  20 X 35

  12 X 60

  10 X 67.5

  9 X 72.5

  8 X 75

I added two sets of one-armed bent rows to that: 4 X 70 and 3 X 75. In addition, I did a bunch of chins, a set of Lenny Rows, and on the rack pulls

  10 X 185

    5 X 235

    4 X 255

    2 X 265

    1 X 270

There was more stuff, but that covers the main movements. Will there be running today. Maybe. Thank the Lord for a 20/20 week last time because it will not happen this time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Deal with It

I waited until 10:00 to swim trying to make concessions to John. Anything else was too early. Then he could not do that. So I had to swim in the little pool, not wanting that much sun exposure. Today he insists we swim at 10:00 in the big pool. No problem for him. He treads water wearing a T-shirt and a cap. John is not happy unless I am making concessions to him. It would be one thing if it was five days out of six. But it is six days out of five. Every. Single. Day. I guess I am too nice. I'm about ready to tell him, "This is what I am doing. Deal with it." I think I will tell him that today.

I swam

2,000 37:35

10 X 50 @ 1:30

400 large paddles 6:58

3 X 50 @ 1:30

400 large paddles  7:06

total: 3,450 yards = 3,153 meters.

I mowed on Monroe. Fun. Then I hung out with Pee Wee and lifted at Plate City. I pushed two sets of decline bench press, two sets of flats, and two sets of incline bench press. I did a little bit of other stuff and then went inside. I found Mississippi  State on the TV. They were playing Notre Dame in the third game of the Super Regionals for a chance to go to the College World Series. They won.  Praise God. That was a nice cap for the day. Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, June 14, 2021


It has been so long since I did one, you might not remember what it is. A 20/20 week used to be the gold standard in my training. 


A 20/20 refers to a training week when I run at least twenty miles and swim at least 20,000 meters. It is not easy to do because of the time commitment, the energy commitment, and the mental commitment. Add to that the fact that life has a way of happening and it does not happen too often. Life happens far too often and it only takes one day knocked out of a training cycle to upset the proverbial applecart. Well, at the end of last week, the applecart was still upright, and I had my numbers.

Monday, I did not run. How is that for the applecart staying in place? The monsoons were pounding hard, and I just did not feel like dealing with it. I swam 3,400 yards to get a good start in the water. But somehow, everything else slipped away. Plate City sat idle and Pee Wee sat sad.

Tuesday I swam 5,100 yards but ran a mere 2.54 miles. Although I do not remember why, I failed again to make my way to Plate City. At this point, a 20/20 was not looking too promising. But there were still four training days left.

Wednesday I hit the water for 4,300 meters. No conversion was needed as I swam the big pool in 78 degree water on June the 9th. Can we pray for global warming? Has summer been cancelled due to COVID? Has this ever happened in the last 10,000 years. I am getting mental with this weather. A good gym session, however, kept me from going insane.

Thursday I hit another 4,113 meters in the small pool and I also hit the road for some big numbers: 10.39. That stacked some apples on the cart for my twenty-miles on the road.

Friday I finished up my swimming for the week giving me one less thing on my "to do" list Saturday. I swam 4,300 yards taking me over 20,000 meters. I also ran 4.16 miles bringing me within two miles of my road mark. I even hit the gym for the trifecta. Perfecto. Randy Beatso.

Saturday, I ran short and satisfied to bring my mileage up above twenty. I thought about going to the pool for another practice, but laziness made me think better of it. At the gym, I worked long and hard.

For the week, I 

only lifted three times, but 

ran 21.84 miles, and

swam 20,111 meters.

That was a solid cycle. Will I make it again this week? Already there are several events that threaten to knock out my best laid plans and upset the apple cart. You know what they say about mice and men, right? It happens. I can only do what I can do. Thank you, Jesus, for what I did.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Strong Week

Friday I finished my 20,000 meter goal in the water. Saturday I finished my 20-mile goal on the road. That gave me my first 20/20 week of the year, that is a 20,000 meter swim week plus a 20-mile run week. This has long been the gold standard of my endurance training. It is not easy to achieve, but worth the effort in terms of fitness advancement it offers.

I went out about noon. It was hot, but I shuffled for 3.12 miles. I was soaked with sweat when I finished. After that, I mowed the lawn and soaked another shirt  . Then I went to Plate City and lifted big. On the New T-Bar, I pulled

20 X 35

12 X 60

10 X 65

  9 X 70

  8 X 75

Also, I did two sets of light squats (laziness), some lateral raises (yes, two days in a row), some Swim Pulls, and high rack pulls. On the HRP, I lifted

10 X 185

  4 X 235

  3 X 255

  1 X 260

  1 X 265

That topped off a solid week of training. I feel like my swim fitness went up. Finally, I am doing the work I need to do to get faster. I plan to continue. Thank you, Jesus, for goals and opportunities.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Made It

I've been chasing a 20,000-meter week since the Mississippi Senior Olympics. I finally caught one. Friday morning I went to the pool and swam


6 X 50 @ 1:30

200 large paddles 

6 X 100 @ 1:52

300 large paddles

brick kick

300 large paddles

700 25/25 free/back

total: 4,300 yards = 3,930 meters.

This took me to 20,111 for the week.

That was a good practice. It worked several fitness components. The 1,900 yard warm up hit the basic fitness, the oxidative enzymes in the cell's mitochondria. The 6 X 50 on a longish rest interval worked pure speed, the neuro-muscular fitness needed for fast swimming. The interspersed paddles sets worked sports specific strength. The 6 X 100 on a short interval worked the lactate buffering abilities. The paddles set after the brick kick worked the heart rate and the ability to recover while swimming. The 700 free/back added volume and practice at the backstroke while working the swimming muscles at a slightly different angle. This is why I can still kick Randy Beets butt in the water.

After lunch, I went out for a shuffle although my legs did not feel like it. I ran 4.16 miles which puts me very close to my 20-mile goal for the week.

I went to the gym and Pee Wee was glad to see me. I did flat bench pressed for the first time in many weeks. I pushed

10 X 45

10 X 100

10 X 120

5 X 130

4 X 135

I also did lateral raises, the triceps pushdown, and one set of the Swim Pulls as 56 X 30.

That was a solid day. I am feeling stronger and more fit in the water. On the road, however, I am just out there doing the old-man shuffle. 


But I am out there. Thank you for that, Jesus.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Solid Two

My prioritization of the swim continued Thursday in the little pool. After Wednesday's freezeout in the big pool, I would not dare try it again after a day of rain and no sunshine. Our street flooded as did much of town. When I crossed the Boulevard on the way to Twin Rivers, the water must have been a foot deep. When I got there at 10:00, the parking lot was empty and the lights were off in the pool house. That means that due to the inclimate weather, the ladies aerobics did not meet. Shucks, I wish I had known. Next time I will guess. I swam

1,850 36:57

750 for time 12:37 (1:40)

300 large paddles 5:31

5 X 100 @ 1:53

300 large paddles 5:27

300 25/25 free/back 6:23

4 X 50 @ 1:30

300 easy

total: 4,500 yards = 4,113 meters.

Notice, I finally did some 50s, some real ones. The things I need to do the most for some reason are the last things I do. That needs to be a priority and I should do some quality ones every. single. practice. I have done a few with paddles lately but no real 50s until today. Why am I like this? Well, maybe I am on track now. Anyway, I kept up my 4,000 meter average. Now I am still on pace for a 20,000-meter week.

I needed a big run. With Monday out and both Tuesday and Wednesday short, to have any chance for a twenty-mile week meant I needed some real miles. As I shuffled along mid-afternoon, I kept doing the math in my head. I needed eight and a half. Nine would be better. Heck, ten, maybe eleven. I settled on eleven, but my legs did not like it. I have not done many miles since Great Geezer. I felt so bad that I stopped at 10.39 and walked the rest of the way in.

That was it. When I got inside I was done. I had been thinking about doing some Swim Pulls, some lateral raises, and some punching. Pee Wee was hanging out at Plate City looking towards the house. I hated to disappoint him, but I did. I took some nutrition, showered, and put on my night night clothes. Then I settled in for some YouTube videos. I watched the rest of the Big Lenny Show and some other stuff. It was a good day. Thank you, Jesus.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Back to Three

I finally got back into some big-time training Wednesday. I started with a swim session in the outdoor long course pool at Twin Rivers. June the 9th and the water was 78 degrees cold. I bet if you could check the records (they don't exist) for the past fifty years, that is a first. Today it is probably at least one degree colder. I think summer has been cancelled due to COVID maybe. I swam

150 3:12 stopped to pick up money off the bottom

150 3:13 stopped to pick up more money off the bottom

1,000 21:15

2 X 50 build

4 X 200 @ 4:25

   1 - 3:42

   2 - 3:44

   3 - 3:42

   4 - 3:43

2 X 50 build

5 X 100 @ 2:25

4 X 50 large paddles

300 easy

total: 4,300 long course meters.

That is a good practice right there. I don't care who you are. And it brings me up to an average of 4,000 per day. I am shooting for a 20,000 meter week.

I tried to run after lunch and did a little. It started raining on me hard. The problems were two-fold. First, the rain was cold. Second, I had on cotton socks and wet feet in cotton sock is a recipe for blisters. So I cut it short at 1.63 miles. As I type this the monsoon is doing its thing. It has been raining since Sunday with no hint of slowing up.

Yes, for the first time this week, I went to Plate City. Since I missed two straight days, I did both push and pull. On the decline bench press, I pushed

15 X 45

30 X 65

15 X 100

13 X 110

10 X 120

I also did two sets of incline dumbbell benches as 17 X 25 and 15 X 30. My pulls were mostly the reverse fly (nine sets worth) and the chin. I am steadily moving up in both volume and intensity on the chin. I also did one set of Lenny Rows and transitioned into high rack pulls. On it I did

10 X 185

  3 X 235

  2 X 255

  1 X 260

So I did three. Two of the three were big. I am searching for a longish run. Maybe I will have to get out my rain gear and go do it today. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Two out of Three

This week has been one for the ages. I have consistently displayed a major overload of lazy. Monday I lounged in the house and finally got up to swim. Tuesday, I lounged in the house, got up to swim and finally took a short run. Well, I did a bit more than lounge. I voted. Then after lunch I had an appointment with the tooth dentist. Then I went to the pool. 

At Twin Rivers, I went in thinking about what I was going to do. I usually have several types of practices bouncing around in my head. Often it is a battle between what I want to do and what I know I need to do. Monday, my first two sets were a 1,800 warmup followed by 700 for time. I like to make small adjustments to practices like that. I wanted to do an 1,850 warmup and 750 for time. But that is the same type of practice two days in a row. I needed something different. What I finally settled on was 5,150 yards straight. So you know what I want to do today, right? Yeah, a straight swim but a little longer. I hope I can resist my want to and do a need to. 

After that, I went back home (it was late) and took a short shuffle on the streets. I did not realize how much nicer it is to run on smooth, new pavement. Really, it is nicer. I found myself searching for them, the newly paved roads. 

So I finished with two workouts instead of one like yesterday and instead of three like I need. Well, there is today. Maybe I can get back on track.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Slim Day

Monday was one of those days that I did not feel like doing anything. Mostly I stayed in bed all day. I know, it sounds terrible. It is terrible. Isn't it. I finally dragged out and went to the pool at almost 6:00 p.m. There I swam

1,800 36:19

700 for time 11:41 (200 3:14; 500 8:19)

500 large paddles 9:20

100 25/25

50 br/free :55

100 RIM 1:53

150 large paddles 2:48

total: 3,400 yards = 3,107 meters.

That was it. I did not go for a run afterwards nor did I go to the gym.

Monday, June 7, 2021

5/31 - 6/6

I had a pretty good week of training for the end of May and the first week of June. Monday I ran 7.31 miles, swam 4,400 yards, and lifted weights. That's real training right there; I don't care who you are. Tuesday I did not swim. I went to the pool only to find a note on the door that said: No Swimming. Chemicals. The universe will not allow me to swim too many meters per week. 

It. can. not. happen. 

I ran some (3.18), and lifted. And pouted. I always pout when I miss a swim.

Wednesday I tried to make up for it all. It was June 2, my birthday, and I decided to take an easier challenge this year, one that would maybe move me towards a performance at nationals. I swam 6,500 meters, 100 for each year. Yeah, I turned the big 65. Yes, I went to the gym and did legs. I also ran 6.81 miles. So I did the big three for big numbers on my birthday. I am unbalanced like that.

Thursday I did not run. I don't remember why, but I did swim 4,500 yards and lift weights. Friday, I shuffled a mere 3.21 miles and swam a short 2,350 yards. Yes, I was getting tired. Saturday, my malaise continued. I slept in, studied some, and went to the gym for some gentle lifting. I did pull and legs. Legs a little. Better than a poke in the eye, I think. 

For the week, I 

swam 16,781 meters,

ran 20.62 miles, and

lifted weights five times.

That is pretty solid, but I was wanting 20,000 in the water. Maybe this week. Thank you, Jesus, for good training and for a good visit from my brother.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Two Out of Three

The original plan was to go in early and hit another big one in the pool. The problem, however, was I wanted to lounge a bit and drink some coffee. Plus I was still a bit tired from the 6,500 in the big pool. I took it easy a while. So I went to the little pool after the ladies aerobics got out and swam

1,700 33:45
500 for time 8:24
200 medium paddles
500 for time 8:14
200 medium paddles
200 for time 3:18
200 medium paddles
750 25/25 free/back
250 medium paddles
total: 4,500 yards = 4,113 meters.

That was a pretty good practice. After that, I ate lunch then went to Monroe to mow. It took me one hour, then I came home and mowed the front lawn at the Hideout.

Yes, I went to Plate City. It was push day and on the decline bench press, I pushed

14 X 45
28 X 65
15 X 100
12 X 110
10 X 115

I did two sets of incline dumbbell bench presses for 16 reps each with 25s. Then I did a set of triceps pushdowns and a set of Swim Pulls.

No running? None.

Still a solid day. Thank you, Jesus.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Birthday Party

Someone, DK Baria, posted on my Facebook wall: "Happy birthday. Take the day off." I did not get to take the day off. It was only a thirty-minute Zoom meeting, but I still had to make it. The administration gets a nose bleed when we are off.

I had a party. I was the only one who came, but I still had a party. At the pool, to celebrate my sixty-fifth birthday, I swam

   10 X 100 @ 3:00

   10 X 100 @ 2:45

   10 X 100 @ 2:30

   10 X 100 @ 2:25

   10 X 100 @ 2:30

   1,000 straight

   5 X 100 @ 2:45

   total: 6,500 long course meters. See what I did there?

Somewhere during the set, it began to rain. I love swimming in the rain. I do not, however, love driving home in wet clothing. It did not rain long.

I went out for a birthday run to match my birthday swim. I shuffled for 6.58 miles. See what I did there? Then I went inside and ate a big cookie given to me by Sheila Mitchell. She always gives me cookies for my birthday, and for that I love her dearly.

It was leg night at Plate City. On the squat, I did

    8 X 45

   10 X 75

   8 X 95

   6 X 110

   4 X 120

   4 X 120

   3 X 120 See what I did not think to do there?

I also did one set of leg press. I have a nice machine. I don't know why I don't use it more. To that, I added two sets of leg curls, two sets of leg extensions, one set of standing calf raises, and one set of seated calf raises.

So for my big sixty five, I swam, ran, and lifted, ate a cookie, and petted cats. Life is good. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Sign Read: No Swimming

I ran easily on the Yazoo River Trail for a tad over three miles to get the day started. When I went to the pool, however, there was a note taped to the door that read, No Swimming, Chemicals.


I guess I should stop breaking things. Whenever I determine to have a big swim week, something happens, something breaks, and the pool closes. With two pools you would think I could swim one of them. But the big pool was full of kids. Yes, I could go in after hours, but that is gym time.


So I went home and hit the weights like I was mad at them. I was. I have begun to differentiate between my two lifting days for each movement pattern. On the chest-supported row, I jumped the second set by twenty-five pounds. The plan is to go heavy one day and light the next. Concurrent periodization is the fancy term. Also, I am doing chins one night and pullups the other pull night. I have added the Swim Pull back in to increase both sports specific strength as well as anaerobic fitness in my swimming muscles.

The day only had two workouts. I am much happier when it has three. But that is life. You don't always get what you want.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Big Monday

John and I were going to swim at 9:30. I drove to the pool and while I was in the parking lot and he called. He wanted to swim later, whenever he called back. This is the way it is with John. I am constantly making concessions to him. I said OK and went home to do some roadwork. I did 7.31 miles and then went in for a nap.

During my nap, yeah, you guessed it, John called. He wanted me to ride over and see if the pool was empty and then call him. I did it and he was late getting there after I called. Surprise, surprise, surprise. I swam

1,200 24:12

300 for time 5:01

500 easy 9:59

250 for time 4:07

500 easy 9:56

200 for time 3:16

500 easy 9:48

150 for time 2:27

500 easy 9:58

brick kick

300 medium paddles 5:35

total: 4,400 yards = 4,021 meters.

It was then time to rest some more and go to Plate City. At the gym, I did the decline bench press, the lateral raise, the incline dumbbell bench press, the Swim Pull, and rotator cuff work. With all of that training, you would think I would have fallen asleep early. Instead, I was not the slightest bit sleepy when my normal bed time came around. No, I did not have any caffeine. I just was not sleepy. Go figure.

Thank you, Jesus, for a good day of training and good rest once I did go to sleep.