Monday, November 3, 2014

The DFM Oxford Walk

My wife and I left Greenwood Sunday morning about 10:30 and had a pleasant drive to Oxford, Mississippi. The weather was nice and my wife was happy. We parked on University Avenue and walked to the Lyceum to register for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi Oxford Walk. This was a first for the two of us. They had invited me and I was glad to go.

The DFM is an organization I believe in because they are dedicated to addressing a major problem that threatens to engulf the entire industrialized world. Diabetes, in my estimation, seems to be exacerbated by our modern lifestyle, a lifestyle that involves too much food and too little exercise. I have long been of the opinion that everyone should eat and exercise as if he or she is a diabetic whether one does or does not have the condition. The results, I think, would be fewer cases of diabetes and better sugar control for those who are diabetic. The walks raise needed funds for the DFM who is actively involved in treating, educating, and advocating for diabetics in Mississippi. Not only that, the walks get people outdoors and moving, something all of us need to do.

We met several DFM employees, and we had a really nice time. We met Irena McClain, for one. I have known her through Facebook for about a year or more. She introduced us to several people always referencing my Chicot Challenge. This made me feel special, and it made my wife happy. We met John Pace, the fundraiser extraordinaire. We met Chris, the Oxford Walk Director. We met Colonel Reb. We met others.

Before the walk started, I asked someone if it would be OK if I did some running instead of just walking. I did not want to be inappropriate in any way. I was told it was OK, so I ran the course, kept going around the Lyceum Circle, and shuffled back to my wife. We walked in together.
Yes, that is me with Colonel Reb
and John Pace. I think the
shadow over my face
symbolizes my
dark thoughts.
We left soon after the walk and went to Brenda Mansel's house who then took us to Newk's  where we had our supper. Penny ate a pizza and I had white bean and kale soup plus a sandwich. Super. Penny and Brenda visited while I managed to get on Facebook and enrage some Ole Miss fans. It was incredibly easy to do, the enraging part, and it flings a real temptation on me to be an instigator.

All in all, it was a good day and as Penny said, "A nice break from our routine."

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