Monday started with a bang. I walked .3 miles at work then got off and walked 5.05 out Wade Road and back. Hot dog! Nothing like a good beginning to lead to a good ending. My weight started at 183, the same as the week before so this was my chance now that the flurry of the Big Eat Week was past.
Tuesday, I can't remember everything, but I did not do anything physical. I think I was swamped with grading papers, and running errands for John. Wednesday was the same: papers, papers, papers, and trips to the pharmacy for John.
Thursday and Friday were a repeat of Tuesday and Wednesday. I ran errands to the pharmacy for John and graded papers. Yes, John has to have a pharmacy trip everyday. I did go in for the MRI early Friday. After I called the doctor's office and asked them to set it up, I sat down and cried. I know what it all means. By mid afternoon, I received a call from my doctor's office wanting me to come in at 8:00 Monday morning. Does that mean anything? I couldn't go in then so we set it up for Thursday at 12:45. I already know the shoulder is wrecked. It has gone downhill the last few weeks taking with it any hope that I had it might heal on its on. I have lost range of motion-- I am losing range of motion by the day-- and it hurts more and hurts more often than it has. I am pretty sure the corater tuff finished tearing, the biceps tendons are still giving me grief, and I would be shocked if that iS all.
I can't blame Saturday on John. He didn't need any drugs and the weather was perfect. I still had a few papers left but it's not like it was a load any more. But once the football started, I was glued to the TV.
I am worthless.
Now I face Hades Week: final exams. Giving tests, grading tests, and entering grades will be my soul objective for the next several day. And then it will be over.
Jesus help me.
By the way, I can be a little critical at times so let me give some credit where credit is due. I am in my fourteenth year at MDCC. For the first time, we have an exam schedule that makes sense and is easy to remember. I don't have to refer to it constantly and apologize to people for missing an exam. Don't judge me.; you would too. I don't have to give an exam on one campus and then tear out smoking tires and be late for an exam on another campus. How did this happen? something in academia making sense? I am shocked. Pleasantly. Thank you Jesus.
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