Monday, July 12, 2021

7/5 - 7/11

For the second week in the last three, my running fell off a cliff. I am not sure why? Yes I am. Laziness. Sometimes I just do not want to push it that hard. I did, however, have a banner week in the water. That is the priority now and for the next almost year: swimming, long, fast, strokes, starts, turns, dryland, all of it.

Monday, I did a straight swim in the outdoor pool of 5,300 meters. That is a good way to start a week for some big numbers in the water. I did not run. I did not lift. I let relaxation take over for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, I swam again, focusing on the 50s. I wound up with 4,300 meters. Again, I did not run, but I did lift, and I hit it hard. Wednesday I finally got back to all three. I swam 4,200 meters with some quality sets. I lifted pretty thoroughly at Plate City doing upper body pull movements, and I ran. The run was only 2.13 miles, but I ran.

Thursday I swam another 4,200 with a main set of 4 X 200. In a long course pool, a fast 200 is about twenty five times harder than it is in a short course pool. Really, it is. I lifted legs at the gym and shuffled 2.16 miles.

Friday was another one of those days when I did not train much. I swam a short 2,200 meters. The accumulated fatigue was hitting me pretty hard so I dialed things back a bit. Saturday, I slept in and then went to the little pool. There I only swam 2,350 yards, but I did a 200 for time and swam 2:52. I won the state Senior Olympics at 2:50. Swimming alone in the little pool meant I had to start and stop my watch (worth a minimum of two seconds), push off from the wall instead of a dive start (worth another two seconds), and race myself (worth ten or more seconds). Without wading through my training diary from 2019, I think that is the fastest I have ever swum the 200 alone.

Not only did I have a quick swim, but I received a package from Titan Fitness, and our daughter and grandchildren were in town. They came by and Zane helped me put together the seated dip machine. After we got it set up, we tested it. He loved it and did set after set. I worked out and taught him a few things about lifting. He had such a good time that his mom texted after they left that he wanted to come back soon and spend the weekend with us.

Later that afternoon, I went out for only my third run of the week. I left the house a little after 8:00 p.m. It got dark on me, and I did something I never do in town: I took my shirt off. My upper body was wet, the sun was down, and a light breeze blew. It was unbelievably cool as I shuffled along in the dark. I went 7.43 miles in a near record slow, but I loved it.

For the week, I

swam 22,347 meters,
lifted weights five times, and
ran 11.72 miles.

That made my fifth straight 20,000 meter swim week and my biggest of 2021. I hope to beat that this week before tapering for the Heart O' Dixie. This year I am only swimming as part of a team. My cousin, Shay, signed us up. We are going with the purpose of kicking butt and eating candy bars, and I am all out of candy bars. 

Thank you Jesus.

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