Thursday, July 29, 2021

New Swim Machine

Wednesday was a big day for Plate City Gym. I finished putting together my new secret weapon. It was so hot, I had to turn a screw driver about three revolutions and then sit down and rest. Maybe one day I will reveal what the new machine is, but for now I will just call it the New Swim Machine. 

First, I swam. It was one of those days when I did not feel it. I slogged, slapped, and pushed myself through 4,450 meters of little quality and less endurance. It went something like this:

1,600 37:18
50 picking up money
400 9:32
3 X 100
1,500 34:43
5 X 100 @3:00
total: 4,450

That brings my week's total up to 14,125 meters.

After the swim, I went to Tractor Supply to purchase some stall matts to go along with the new equipment at Plate City. I put three large matts down at Plate City extended and one in the covered part of the gym. Despite wanting to use the new piece, I was afraid to until around 6:30. I was literally afraid I might die. It was that hot. I moved some things around, cleaned up, and did light leg work. Then I tried the machine.

Oh! My! Goodness!

I love this thing. One day, when it is too late for any competition to benefit from it, I will reveal to the world what I bought, why I bought it, and how I use it. I went 1:15 on the New Swim Machine (NSM). That is one minute and fifteen seconds. Why so short? Any new move I do, I ease into slowly. I will build a little bit every day, but I am sure this will be a game changer.

Thank you, Jesus.

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