Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A New Start

This is the week for me to get back on track. Last week I suffered such a major drop off so I started early. Waking up to use the bathroom, I saw that there was no time to go back to sleep so I started getting ready to go swim at 3:20 a.m. I got to the pool and began stretching out. I was swimming by ten minutes before 4:00. I did

25 brick kick
2,350 47:25
750 tt 12:38
400 small paddles 8:16
400 back 8:53
600 medium paddles 11:35
25 brick kick
500 free/back
100 back 2:14
400 small paddles
5,525 yards = 5,049 meters

Monday is my long day in Greenville so when I got home, I immediately changed clothes and went to Plate City. I needed a run, but since this was the third Monday of the month, we had Over 60s, which meets at 6:00 p.m. That means something had to give and as usual, it was one of my workouts. I did get in some good lifting, but not one step of running. On the bench, I pressed

12 X 95
10 X 115
  8 X 125
  6 X 130
  6 X 135

On the log press, I pushed

10 X 52
  6 X 63
  3 X 74
  1 X 85

I did two finisher sets with dumbbells overhead:

8 X 25
10 X 20

The last thing I did was triceps push downs for

35 X 30
20 X 35

All that day needed was a ten-mile run. But thank you, Lord, for a good double-workout day.

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