Friday, November 9, 2012


This is Luvie, my sweetie tomcat.
I'm trying to decide if it's courage I lack or laziness I possess, but right now I am drinking coffee, hanging out with my cat, and daydreaming about warmer times. Also I'm trying to muster enough umph to go to the pond this afternoon. The cat is sweet, the bed is soft, and the coffee is good.

Wednesday I ran 1.51 miles, mowed the back lawn, and did some weightlifting. I was too much of a coward to drive to the pond. Thursday I ran 5.31 miles but I'm not sure it was wise. I drove to Skene and hugged my grandchildren and Smu, then was off to Masters swim where I did

8 X 50 progression (1-4 by 12.5 yards)
400 pull with paddles
4 X 100 hard :30 rest
300 pull with paddles
3 X 100 hard :30 rest
200 pull with paddles
2 X 100 hard :30 rest
100 pull
100 all out (1:18)
850 easy with small paddles
Total: 5,050 yards = 4,615.7 meters.

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