Saturday, October 19, 2013

Beets' Butt Is Forever Beaten Now

The water was 72 at Twin Rivers again Thursday when Big John and I met up there. But it was sunny and the air temp was a nice 71. I swam

10 X 250 @ 5:00
100 easy
600 medium paddles
400 pull, small paddle right hand only
Total: 4,800 meters.

By the time John and I were getting out, Brent Baily had come, swum, and was getting out also. He said to me, "You know MS Debbie is keeping the pool up this year?"

My response was, "For how long?" Usually they drain it about this time. Last year, I drove up on a sunny, warm October day only to find half the water gone and the other half going.

His answer was, "All winter."


Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to launch into orbit. Dude, Beets' butt is forever beat now.
Getting ready for a cool dip.

She had told me earlier that she was keeping the pool up this year, but in my mind that meant 'up a little longer.' I never dreamed she would leave it up all winter. I thought we would be lucky to have the whole month of October. Ideas have been exploding in my brain since I received the news.

Friday I decided it was time to go back to the fish farm for some wall-less swimming. The water there was 69.5 and the well was dumping 65 degree fresh water into the still not fully filled pond.

I got in, alone, and made one lap and kept swimming. However, this time when I got to the far end, I turned around and headed back up the side I had just swum down. One side was colder that the other, and I just didn't feel like freezing. It has always amazed me at how much the temp varies in a twenty-acre pond. I made 2.16 miles in 1:06 before I crawled out. I didn't go into the shakes afterwards although I was cold for a long time.

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