Monday, November 13, 2017

11/6 - 11/12

This will be the shortest post ever on this blog. The reason shouldn't be hard for you to guess. I did nothing. My slide down the hill, the one I have been complaining about for months has not not stopped but continued unabated (Is that tooth dentist?) I keep thinking, I have hit bottom, but the next week keeps proving me wrong. If this is not the end of the slide, well, I can't finish the sentence.

I did a little walking, 5.38 miles. Several things prevented me from training. One is we had to be in our offices until 4:00 each day. After that, I had lots of errands to run all week. These should eventually slow down. I hope. Another, of course, is my health. Every time I get to thinking the knee is well enough to run, I start limping without any provocation. And the shoulder, don't ask.


I guess I need to climb atop my bike trainer, but right now that requires more discipline than I have. I feel totally worthless, I weigh more than I ever have in my life, and I am miserable in this body. My stomach is not meant to be this big and it cuts my breath off. When will I get things turned around? Help me Lord, because I am failing in my own efforts.

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