Friday, June 28, 2019


That is like wimpy but a little bit better, thus the "e." So now you know.

I thought I was going to Cleveland to see the grandkids and swim with the crew at DSU. Consequently, I slept in, which I severely needed, and studied for Sunday morning. Then Penny started asking me about going to Claudia White's party so I put all travel plans on hold.

I swam after lunch in the little pool. It was a good one, not a big one but a good one. I did

1,250 23:02 (1:50)
5 X 50 @ 1:09
4 X 300 @ 5:27
400 small paddles
total: 3,100 yards = 2,833 meters

A word about the 300s. I love that set. It makes me hurt so good. I swim it at about 85%, and it feels like a tempo run only in the water. My average pace was just a hair over 1:30 per hundred which puts me into my race pace at 500 yards. I arrived at the rest interval by guessing, and I nailed it. 5:27 gives me enough time to be ready to go again, but not quite enough to be fully recovered, close to full recovered, but not all the way there. 

This will be a major practice for me in the future. It should be great for the 500 which I am already thinking about for next spring in Biloxi. It should also be a good set for the half mile at the Heart O' Dixie Triathlon. Not only that, but if I work the reps up and do it after a long warmup, it will be a good set for getting me ready for the Chicot Challenge. In short, it is a top notch set. Today was the first time I had done it four times. Twice I have done 3 X 300. By number three I start to feel some burn in the rear deltoids and the triceps muscles. That means I'm working hard. The 300s are long enough to stress my aerobic capacity but short enough that I don't dread pushing off the wall. It is the perfect set. I am going to be unstoppable now. If Randy Beets were still around, he would be crying to his mama about this.

I was too lazy to lift weights. It was CC's fault. She climbed up into my lap after I got home from the pool and held me down most of the afternoon. Later, after 5:00, I took a short run. I had had big plans for running this week, but a sore calf halted all of that. I ran big Monday with 8.82. Thursday I just shuffled 2.34. But that's better than a poke in the eye.

Thank you, Jesus, for the good swim set and the health to perform it.

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