Monday, October 18, 2021

HOD 12

I had a good week on the road, and I am still in the water. Monday, I started with a multi-paced run of 5.3 miles. Yeah, I am still running scared of Mary Peyton, the fierce walker. After that, I swam 1,550 yards. Then I went to Plate City Gym and lifted weights, still with lower volume and intensity, but slowly I am easing that up. 

Tuesday I did a mere 2.51 miles on the road, and as my custom of late is, I did not swim at all. I did, however, go to the gym and lift and hang out with Pee Wee.

Wednesday I was back in the water, but not until I had shuffled 3.88 miles. We had the match race on the linear park, and I ran the 3.0 miles way faster than two weeks ago. I kept up with BK for 1.9 miles as compared to 1.1 miles the last time we did this. Then I walked and ran home, and my legs were gone. I did another .88 miles at a pitifully slow pace. In the pool, I swam 1,650 yards before going home and doing leg work at Plate City. The weather is nice now, and I can now lift without feeling like I am going to die.

Thursday, I shuffled a very short 1.61 miles. My legs were really trashed from Wednesday. I did my gym work then went back to work. Brian Waldrop came in for me to speak to my Employment Readiness class. He did an excellent job.

Friday was big day, big on the road, and big in the pool. Well, not really big in the pool. On the road, I did 10.55 miles multi-paced. That is big, I don't care who you are. At the pool, I swam 1,700 yards, and at the gym, I hit my second pull workout of the week. 

Saturday was another three-workout day. I shuffled 1.61 (with no intention of matching Thursday's big 1.61. Funny how that worked out. At the pool, I stroked along for 1,750 yards and did a brick kick, my first one of those in a while. At the gym, I did legs and farmers' walk, taking the weight to 127 per hand on my top set. 

Sunday, we went to church, out to eat, and then  did lots of napping. Around dark, I went out for a short 1.51 miles of tipping around the neighborhood.

For the week, I

ram 26.97 miles,
swam 6,076 meters, and 
lifted weights five times.

That is pretty good training, overall, but far from what I need to compete at the National Senior Olympics. The main thing is, however, I have to get well and stay that way. The shoulder is better, but not 100%. Prayers appreciated. Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity.

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