Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Pond (Austin 58)

Some week. Monday started with me going back to a different fish pond. The water at Tacket's was 58. At Nobile's it was 72. Deew Whaaat?? Dude, I can do 72. So I did a little 2.26 mile shuffle and swam 2.58 miles. I would have swum longer but I had to go to work.
The shores of my new pond

Tuesday I went to my new pond at Austin (a part of Tacket's). There were dead fish piled along the banks for over a mile. I took a 3.05 mile run and then got into the water. The water temp was 62 and choppy, but I got in, did 2.4 miles (3,861.6 meters), and then headed to Masters where I swam

8 X 50
4 X 50 @ 1:00 with fins
4 X 50 @ 1:00 with fins
4 X 50 @ 1:00 with fins
400 easy
End of Masters
Then I swam
100 XL paddles
200 L paddles
300 M paddles
400 S paddles
500 F paddles
Total at pool = 5,400
Total for the day = 9,261.6 meters.

A good day.

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