Wednesday, December 4, 2019


When I got to the pool at 4:20 a.m., I heard honking up above, and despite the darkness I was able to see a flock of geese flying north. I thought they flew south in the winter. These were going north. I was feeling lazy in part because of the 7.81 mile run the day before. I have noticed that if I run long one day, I don't want to push it in the pool the next day. So I did a straight swim because once I started, I was afraid if I stopped, I would not start back. I went for 1:25:58 but only covered 4,050 yards for a pitiful 2:07 average.

I waited too late to start my run and forgot my flashlight when I did. Consequently, I only shuffled 2.88 miles. The good news is my legs are feeling right nice. I now have a pretty decent base laid, but I am still trying to decide on the half or the full at the Mississippi River.

At the gym I had a good time. I ordered a landmine from Titan Fitness, and it came in. So I set it up which involved moving three 100 pound plates. I don't need 100 pounders, and only have them because they came with a leg press I bought. I set the plates up on a walkway for the base to the landmine. I used the trap bar for it and it was a nice pull on the lats with only two 33s on it. 

Moving the plates, the 100s, was an amazing workout itself. I will probably incorporate that into my strongman training. It really hit my biceps and back hard because I had to hold them above my legs to walk while the plates were trying to pull me forward. 

Besides setting up the landmine, I made an adjustment to the duck walk apparatus I recently acquired. Both of these, the duck walk thing and the landmine were very inexpensive and made nice additions to the gym. I put to 45s on the duck walk and played with it a little. 

I also cut a piece of cord and tied a one-pound weight to my 55 for one-armed dumbbell rows. When we went to Jackson the other day, I had intended to buy a 60, but I could not find one. With the weight tied to it, I now have a 56. I can up that a little at a time until I find me a 60. I guess if I find one, I should go ahead an purchase a 65.

So I swam, ran, and lifted, a good day. Thank you, Jesus.

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