It's only two days but so far so good. I'm referring to getting up at 3:45 to swim for three miles and then going to work. Not only have we been going to work, but this and next week are Hades weeks at school. We have to come in early and stay late not because we have that much to do but because no one should enjoy their job too much. I swam
3,400 1:09:57 (2:03)
6 X 50
3 dive starts = 25
500 medium paddles
800 small paddles
total: 5,025 yards = 4,592
That makes two pretty good days in the pool. After a long day at work, I went out for a 4.34 mile shuffle. Then at Plate City it was pull day. I did one-armed bent rows, reverse band flys, rotator cuff work, and I finally figured out what to do with the keg. I bought the beer keg with the idea that I would load it over my yoke. At 80 pounds, it is a little too heavy for that. Last night, I carried it, 3 X 50 feet.
But, you protest, aren't you doing that already with the farmer's walk. Yes and no. With the farmer's walk, the weight is pulling straight down so it really hits the traps hard. Carrying the keg, the weight is in front of you so the whole back but especially the upper back and the biceps work hard to prevent the weight from pulling you onto your face. So they are not redundant exercises. They overlap some but they hit the body a little differently. Now I will program the keg carry into my workouts twice per week.
It was a good day of exercise despite having to work like a real job. Thank you, Jesus.
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