Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Of course he was late. But we will get to that later. I did a little shuffle first. The weather was nice, and I went down onto the river trail. I zigged and zagged around in the woods until I made 2.63 miles.

Then I went to the pool. My old Garmin is acting up and I am afraid she is about to die. She is the one I program my swim workouts into. I did get her to work long enough to do my new and improved 200 Special. I swam

1,800 36:43

200 Special as

  200 for time @ 3:30 (3:15)

  150 for time @ 2:45 (2:28)

  3 X 100 @ 1:59

Then it was 

400 small paddles 7:45

brick kick against the current in the south lane

25 easy

200 back (4:45) 

I was then ready to leave when John showed up. Not only that but he went into the bathroom and piddled around for awhile. I tried to tare something up, and all I had was a water bottle. I destroyed it. Yes, I stayed and let him swim. Why? you ask. It's ministry. He needs it physically and emotionally, and he promised his physician that he would not swim without me. Sigh.

I swam another

6 X 50 pull with medium paddles @ goof off

total: 3,375 yards = 3,084 meters.

At the gym, it was pull day. I did one set of one-armed rows to warmup. I did one set of lat pulldowns to warmup. For my main work I did Lenny rows for

16 X 100

15 X 120

10 X 140

10 X 140

Also, I did a lot of tubing work. It was a solid day. I did not, however, do any spinning. Thank you, Jesus, for a solid day.

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