Tuesday, May 4, 2021

4/26 - 5/2

This was another taper week, but more taper than I wanted. The silver lining is that the patellar tendon is much better. Monday, I did not run. I swam for 1,873 meters and lifted weights. Tuesday I ran a miserly 1.5 miles and swam 4,800 yards straight, my longest swim in a pretty long while, maybe a year.

Wednesday I shuffled 2.73 miles, and swam 2,225 yards. My writing got so sloppy in my training diary that I cannot be sure if I lifted or not. I have things circled and arrows pointing here and there. Who knows?

Thursday I swam 1,400 yards and walked 3.1 miles trying to be easy on the legs without losing too much fitness. Friday I did my last bit of longish roadwork: 9.02 miles. Also, I swam 2,225 yards and mowed both lawns.

Saturday, we had the Greenwood Mentoring Group Prayer Breakfast. After that, I lifted weights in the morning and I also lifted weights in the afternoon. Some of that lifting was squats for a fair amount of volume and intensity. I should be able to recover from that in time for the Great Geezer.

For the week, I

lifted weights four times (I think)

did some walking (How much?)

swam 11,628 meters, and

ran 13.25 miles.

That is awfully light on the running. Only time can tell if it is too light. Thank you, Jesus, for the upcoming adventure of the Great Geezer Run. Thank you for all of the donations, and bless each one who gave.

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