Saturday, May 1, 2021

Furious Friday

Friday was a flurry of flying here and there doing stuff and trying to train. I made six trips to TKB's Repair, but I wound up getting my phone patched up and my computer fixed also. Yeeha.

I did manage to go out for a nine-mile run, my last longish run before the Great Geezer. I am getting antsy, but I always do, with the decrease in activity, some of it self imposed, some of it sore imposed. By sore imposed, I mean I have had some body parts hurting. Just what I need before beginning a 107-mile run. To add to my worries, I have gained some weight. I usually do when I start a taper. Huraah.

A reporter from the Commonwealth came by during lunch to interview me about the Geezer. I hate that I did not have the T-shirt to show him, but I told him about the six-year old artist I commissioned for the design. I hope he mentions her in the article. I asked him to do that.

After the nine-mile run, after a funeral, after an interview, after six trips to Taylor's, I met John at the pool. I swam

1,400 26:58

brick kick

350 medium paddles 6:18

50 back

5 X 50 large paddles

200 small paddles

total: 2,250 yards = 2,056 meters.

After that, we had another Zoom rehearsal for the Prayer Breakfast. Finally I was both visible and hearable. Yehaa.

When the Zoom was done, I went outside and lifted. It was pull night. On the new T-bar, I pulled

16 X 35

15 X 45

12 X 55

10 X 65

8 X 67.5

6 X 67.5 narrow grip

Also I did some revers flys, some chins, some one-armed bent rows, and some biceps work. Then Penny got home with some groceries. I unloaded groceries and Penny went to China Blossom to pick us up supper. I then took a shower and went to bed. I watched TV while I dozed in and out of consciousness. It was a full day. It was a good day. It was a day to praise the Lord.

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