Friday, May 28, 2021

Double Whammy

I did not run far because my legs were tired. I shuffled 2.32 miles down on the trail with two pound hand weights in each hand. I am implementing that to develop more arm fitness for my nationals 200. Yeah, I do goofy stuff. Can't hurt and might help. 

At the pool, I did a straight swim going 3,350 yards in 1:02:12. You may wonder why I have not been doing sets lately. We are having to share the pool with Debbie, some of her assistants, and several kids being taught swim lessons. I am grateful that Debbie lets us swim anyway and we make it work. I do not feel, however, like I can bust it up and down the pool at top speed. The chance of a collision would be too great. At this time of year, all I primarily need conditioning anyway.

We, some of the local cyclists, were asked to show up in Money at 5:45 so Richard Beatty could shoot a commercial for BBB. I drove out due to a sense of duty, civic duty. Richard set up a tripod on the side of the road. What would you think about this? Seems obvious, right? You are going to ride back and forth in front of the camera so he could get some footage.

Everyone lined up and then took off to the races. I jumped on and wondered what the rush was about. Then I decided to let them go. I will jump back on when they turn around, I thought. I had already run, already swum, and had a squat session planned. My legs did not need any hard riding. They kept going and then turned onto McIntyre Road. What the heck? Surely he doesn't have cameras set up out there. Maybe he does so I kept pedaling. When I got onto McIntyre Road, I saw the group disappear around the curve in the road.

Then I heard a vehicle behind me. It was back there for a while. Slowly it passed and it was Richard filming GoPro out of the bed of the truck. What!?!?!?!?!? How come everybody knew the plan except me? I did not come out for a ride. I came out to help shoot a little footage. I would not have shown up had I known the plan. I will not show up next time even if I know the plan. I have been snafued by this bunch before. Life is too short.

I drove home, not too happily. Inside, I thought to rest a bit, but I was very tired and did not get back out of the house. Thanks, bike crew. You did a double whammy on me. Hold your breath until it happens again.

Thank the Lord anyway.

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