Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Forty minutes!
Forty minutes!

Bless his heart.

I swam

3,000 1:00:04 (1:59)
9 X 50
600 medium paddles
250 large paddles
100 small paddles
total: 4,400 yards = 4,021 meters

Penny is off work, so when I got home, I went back to bed. Later, I shuffled 3.48 miles for workout number two. Workout number three was a Plate City session of

Incline dumbbell benches

17 X 30
13 X 35

Flat barbell bench

11 X 100
11 X 100
10 X 105
10 X 105

Log press

13 X 52
6 X 57
5 X 62

Duck walk

105 X 50 feet

Overhead dumbbell walk

43 seconds with 15s

Farmer's walk

4 X 50 feet with +30 per side
1 X 120 feet with +0

All of that made a pretty good day of training. I still am loving those farmer's walk handles. That is such a powerful exercise that hits just about everything including your cardio. Thank you, Jesus.

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