Saturday, February 26, 2022


Friday morning arrived with cold weather, dark skies, and whipping wind. The Plate City crew was on hand to greet the day with grunts, sweat, and effort. Friday is our push and pull day. We did benches, the log press, the seated dip, the chest-supported row, curls, lat pull downs, and the swim circuit: the Swim Pull, followed by the Skierg, followed by the swim cords. It's tough, yeah. I do believe, however, that it is beginning to make a difference in the pool. The last time Tyler and I did 50s, my average time was much slower. This time my times dropped while my effort remained the same.

I went out for a run around mid-morning. I did a little over four miles. Then I went inside to rest and to ready myself for the swim.

I met John at the pool. Or more accurately, I started swimming and John came in later. Why does he always ask me afterwards what time I got there? After ten years, why can't he learn that I will be there when I say I am going to be there. It's not complicated. Since he can't be on time, it seems he can't even comprehend anyone being on time.

I swam 5,000 yards straight in 1:34:35. That made for a 1:53 per 100 pace and my longest swim of the year. Converted to meters, that equals 4,570. Converted to miles that makes 2.84. Not bad. Still that is a long way off what I used to do. But I am not training for the Chicot Challenge. Rather, I am training for the Crazy Man Quadrathon, the State Senior Olympics, and the State Games of Mississippi.  You can add to that the Viking Half Marathon, and the Heart O' Dixie Triathlon.

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