Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Two Bills to Pay

Tuesday morning was one of those mornings that had Tyler and me both wishing out loud that the weather would warm up. "If we can just lose these 20s," I moaned. 

"Forties would be great," Tyler responded. Vicki was not there. She had "overslept." Yeah, right.

Well, we did our workout, pulling and pulling and pulling. Six sets (I think) on the chest-supported row machine. We also did lat pull downs, curls for the girls, the Swim Pull, lateral raises, and we finished with a one/two combo of the swim cable plus the Skierg. I know, I have been writing Ski Erg. Skierg is the new, and I think correct, designation. Or maybe it's Ski erg. Whatever.

The sky was light, birds were out, and Pee Wee was happy when Tyler left and I went inside for breakfast. It feels really good to have something solid finished early in the morning.

I was supposed to swim with John. He called, however, and cancelled because he had two bills to pay. This is what happens when you can't manage time. John cannot manage time. Let me take that back. John can manage time. He can managed to make anything take a long time. And when he does get to the pool, it is usually eight to ten minutes before he is in the water. No joke, I time him. It takes Tyler almost thirty seconds.

So I swam with Tyler. That was after I ran 4.03 miles on an afternoon that felt amazingly spring like despite the brutally cold predawn morning. In the pool, we did

15 X 50 @ 1:16
200 easy
total: 3,050

I don't have any times because I left my watch at home. Tyler had a watch which got us through the 2,100. 

All in all, it was a pretty solid day. The swim practice was a good one, the kind we need to improve our pool times. We are focused like that. 

Praise God.

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