Sunday, February 27, 2022

Good Day

Saturday was a real nice day. We slept late at Casa de Hodge. When I got up, I started on the coffee and began to work on Sunday's sermon. It was nice. I drank the whole pot and then decided to go out for a run. 

Since it was cloudy, cold, and misty, rainy like, I left the house shuffling by zigging and zagging around the neighborhood. Slowly I ventured further and further from the house until I crossed the bridge and headed out Wade Road. I went out to the end of the road and noticed that the huge tank that has been out there for decades was gone. I have run out there within the last two months and it was there then.

To make a short story long, I ran 11.42 miles. I was damp when I made it home. Not only that, but I was hungry too. So I ate, rested, and thought about what to do next. I went to Plate City about 5:00 p.m.

I usually work volume legs on Saturday and anything else that I feel needs extra work. I did a bunch of squats and even came pretty close to my PR. After all the running, and the sets and reps on the squat, to be able to come to within five pounds of my PR, just goofing off on my own, let me know that I have gotten stronger.

I also deadlifted for the first time in several weeks. I pushed it up to 245. I finished the workout with a ten minute cycle while I watched an old TCM movie. What I did not do was the Skierg. Funny how I did all I did but was still lazy like that. Sometimes I realized that I am a walking, breathing oxymoron. Shoot me.

Thank you, Jesus, for a banner day, a relaxing evening, and a good night's rest.

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