Tuesday, February 21, 2023

I Always Do

Mondays are always a difficult day for training. This one was more difficult that usual. We had Over 60s, which meant not only did I have to work long, but I had to be ready to leave the house by 5:30. Consequently, I rose a bit earlier than usual and went to Plate City. Getting out there about 6:00 a.m., it was dark and Pee Wee was happy. He is always happy when I go out there. I saw a squirrel at 6:14 which is early for a fox squirrel, very early.

I did my push workout, doing bench presses first then going to the overhead press machine. On the overhead, I hit a new PR at 120 pounds. It was not really a one-rep max since I did six reps. But I keep upping the weight each time I do the movement.

For breakfast, I went high-protein oatmeal. That is, I made it with milk instead of water, added peanut butter, and then dumped in about 15 grams of whey protein. I mixed all of that up and drank milk with it. As a result, I was full all morning with no cravings for sweets like I usually have.

After work, I went to the pool as fast as I could get there. I swam 2,100 yards which beat last Monday by 100 yards. That's my goal this week, to beat each day's total by a little bit and thus end up with a strong week of training.

Penny and I left a little early because we had to get gas. Then we made our way to Itta Bena, to First Baptist Church there where Larry's Fish House was preparing our meal. So with a weight session early, and a pool session late, I was ready for the fish. It was good, yeah, and I ate a lot of it. I always do.

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