Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Another Gut

I took my gut and the dogs and went to the pond Monday after work. As usual, it was as windy as the countdown to a bad hurricane. What else is new. Since the water had dropped to 71, I squeezed my gut into the little shorty that I have so enjoyed this spring. On days like this one, it gives me just enough warmth to keep my from having to tap out due to losing body parts to the cold.

Little Pee Wee made all the laps with me and my gut. I love that. Last year, I became lonesome. My pond training partner has been gone three years now. My pool training partner was out of pocket all last spring during the Chicot buildup. 

Actually, I like being alone. As a child, I rarely felt the need for playmates and enjoyed entertaining myself then as I have all my life. I liked solitude and quiet. But for maybe the only time in my life, last year I became lonesome with the hours and hours of training day after day, week after week, without another human being in sight.

Not this year.

This time around I have the dogs. Pee Wee and Bear not only ride to the pond with me, but Pee Wee makes every single lap. Bear usually makes the first lap then lounges at the truck for the rest of the pond session. When I breath to my right, I see Pee Wee's energetic self running, lapping water, rolling in stinky stuff, disappearing over the levee to get after something. This gives me great joy, great comfort. I am not alone; I have a friend.

My gut and I swam 5.09 miles in 2:50 @ 33:29. This was a nice start to the week. For the last two, I have only swum three times each. A little slim. I did my usual weightlifting after the swim, then rode home with the satisfaction that I am on pace to be where I need to be by the first of June.

After I got home, had a little supper, and opened a package from SwimOutlet.com, I read Facebook and noticed a post from a young woman who said: "You are stuck up. I saw you and another gut pushing a baby stroller in Kosciusko Saturday, and you did not speak." The other "gut" was Gerald Johnson, and I would have loved to chatted with her but I did not see her. 

Well, my gut and I are sitting in Comp I, and I am thinking about guts. My wife packed me a big lunch today so I can keep my gut up. She likes it too.

Praise be to God who hath blessed me with an abundance of gut. Here's to hoping you and your gut have a nice day.

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