Saturday, February 12, 2022

Good Day, Good Training, Good Night

Friday wasn't a big day, but a good one nonetheless. We, Tyler, Vicki, Pee Wee, and me met at Plate City at 5:30 a.m. Although it was dark out there, the temp had risen to a relatively balmy 47 degrees. Woohoo! It felt great. Friday was supposed to be push and pull combined, but because of my right rhomboid, I did no pulling. On the pushing, we used the Swiss bar for the first time since Tyler has been at the City. He liked it, and it was good for Vicki because she can't press the Olympic bar, but the Swiss bar is lighter and she did some real sets of bench presses. We worked on her form, added weight, and made her actually work. Not that she hasn't been working, but it takes time to figure out exactly where someone is and now we have a better picture of her strength. 

I did do some curls, and we made Vicki do the curl machine also. In the past, she has been curling tiny dumbbells. We made her make those muscles cry. Then it was daylight by the time we got on the Skierg (third, fourth or fifth spelling?). In short, we had a good workout. 

After that, I went inside for breakfast, study, and waiting. The cable man was scheduled to come fix my cable box. I had been roughing it for a couple of days with no TV. That's tough. At least I still had YouTube and the Delray Misfits, the Mapogo lions, and other YouTube celeries. 

The cable guy actually showed up in a timely manner, did his job, and left me with a working TV. Sweet. I even had time after that to go for a run. I wasn't out long, but I got in 3.08 miles of roadwork, much of it out Hades Road, for workout number two.

I went to the pool early, around 2:15, for workout number three. There, I did a straight swim going 3,500 yards in 1:09:??. So I did three workouts, none of them huge but all of them adequate. Then I went home to get ready for Friday night. Penny and I always eat out on Fridays. This time we had plans to go to the Magnolia Smokehouse in Grenada with Tyler and his lovely, sweet wife, Madeline. When we got there, the place was at a standstill. Their electronic system was down which created problems with the kitchen as well as paying. No one could pay by debit card. What!?!?!? A quick check of my wallet revealed $50. Not enough. Ironically, I had thought about putting a Benjamin in there just in case. You can have plenty of money in your account, but if someone is trying to hack your card, the bank will shut your card off, leaving you looking foolish and deadbeat. But I failed to add the cash. Won't happen again.

To make a short story long, their system came back up, we got seated, ordered, and received our food. I got the 22 ounce steak because they didn't have a 24 ouncer. Tyler did the same. We ate those steaks like we were mad at them. It was good, yeah. The ladies, of course, pretended to eat. We left full and happy and had a nice ride home. At home, I ate candy, Reese's, for desert and tried to watch my freshly fixed TV, but was unable to due to sleepiness. Good day, good training, good night. Thank you, Jesus.

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