Thursday, February 3, 2022

What a Quadrathete from Plate City can Do

The gym was quiet Wednesday morning. Tyler cancelled and I cried. Not really. I was very tired, sent Vicki a text, and went back to sleep. Penny had to wake me at 7:00 a.m. I had been up much of the night coughing so I was really done in and the rest gave me a shot at finishing the day. 

At work, I had lots of cookies to eat. It's a rough job, but I take it seriously. Also, Wednesday is my long day. I teach four straight classes. I thought I would have to dismiss some of them early because my voice was a bit abused, but I made it all the way through. I even held two of the classed over by a minute or so.

Tyler also cancelled our swim. It was alright. He had been telling me that his brother wanted him to come over one Wednesday and do a CrossFit workout at a gym in Grenada. I told him to go show those hillbillies what a Plate City quadrathete can do. He did and won the class by a big margin. They did wall balls, a push press, and a clean in rounds over a set period of time. Tyler did 30 rounds. The person in second place did 14. We are bad like that.

Although I was alone in the pool, I felt really good and swam well. It seems that tough set of 100s we did Tuesday tuned me up some. I swam 3,650 yards straight in 1:08:??. My average pace was 1:52 per 100 yards. That, for me, is good swimming and indicates that my endurance is not bad and my fitness is coming up. I need to keep that ball rolling, not so much for quadrathon, but for the two swim meets I hope to do this spring and summer. For quadrathon, we are only swimming one mile. So we could do that training by swimming once or twice per week. But to perform well at a swim meet requires more. Tyler is in on the State Games, and he will be a threat in the 50 and 100 free. So we are doing more.

Thank you Jesus, for a training partner and goals and good health. 

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