Friday, February 18, 2022

The Shirt Design Is In

Thursday is our sleep-in morning and sleep in I did. In fact, I was pretty lazy all day. After work, I managed to goof off much of the afternoon. Then Barry Brewer texted me that he had a couple of shirts printed. These were two of our quadrathon shirts that will serve as samples so we, Tyler and I, can pre-sale some of these. I made the first sale this morning. Thanks, Vicki. Below is a snapshot of one.

Is that a good-looking shirt, or what? I did the basic design and got Claire Webb Green to draw it for me. If you want one, let me know, send me a Message. They are $20, and all 20 dollars goes to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. We are selling in advance this year so that we will not have any left over shirts when this is over. 

Since the weather was so unsettled, I went to Twin Rivers to run on the dreadmill. My dreadmill at Plate City quit. I only use it three to five times per year, but it is nice to have it when you need it. I only did 2.22 miles so I am behind the chains so to speak.

I went to the pool alone and swam

200 back 
100 medium paddles
total: 1,650 yards

That is not much, but it is better than a poke in the eye. Thank you, Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new designs. Use cotton t’s of good quality.
