Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Getting it Done on a Monday

If you follow this blog, you have no doubt noticed that Mondays have been a slim day for training. At least they have since the semester started (to my Comp students, I know that is a fragment). I work until 4:00 and then trying to get in three seperate workouts has proven to be more than I can manage. Sometimes getting in one is more than I can manage. 

This time around, I did things right. Last week, I started swimming some in the morning before work. Actually, I've been doing that for a while. But since the morning temps have dipped so low, I abandoned the outdoor pool in the morning. A regular crew has the indoor pool for 5:45 until 6:30. Going in at 6:30 doesn't leave a lot of swimming time nor does it leave much time to get ready for work. But it can be done. When I do it, I feel real good about getting something done early. I did it Monday. I did not swim fast or far. I managed and easy 1,150 yards, but that is better than a poke in the eye.

After work, I went out for a shuffle. Since we are going to do some student running on Wednesdays for a while, I will use that day for some speed work. That is forcing me to reconsider how I program my running. I went for 2.6 which I hope will lend itself to some recovery. I plan to do the same thing today. I can't do the second (with Friday or Saturday being the first, i.e. the primary) long run of the week and run hard Wednesday and lift heavy on the same day. So we will see how this works out. But completing that run, gave me my second workout of the day. And on a Monday!

No, I was not finished. I went to Plate City about 6:30. Yeah, I had to put on extra clothes to offer some protection against the mosquitoes. I turned on the TV and watched that highlight show on the SEC Network while I did my push workout. I got to re-live Mississippi State putting a beatdown on Texas A & M. That didn't get old. I was also getting off on the idea that I was on workout number three, a Monday, and I was getting it done. When I get to break the push and pull workouts up, I get in more volume and more assistance exercises. So it was all good. Thank you, Jesus.

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