Saturday, October 15, 2022

Glorious Friday

Friday was glorious. I took those new shoes I bought Thursday out for a spin. I headed west on Highwat 82 like I did a few weeks ago. This time, however, instead of turning north at the catfish processing plant, I turned south just before I got there. 

The weather was perfect although my pace was not. I left the house wearing a base layer up top, at T-shirt over that, and all of that covered with an old dress shirt. I like dress shirts to run in. They are composed of synthetic fibers, which means they wick moisture well, and they have a pocket. I love pockets. Even though I had nothing in that pocket, I felt better having it.

The recently unpaved West Claiborne Extended

When I turned off the highway, it was onto a gravel road. I did not know exactly where I was going, but I thought that I could make my way to the paved road that comes out at what we used to call Fort Loring. I had been through in my truck, but that was decades ago. I ran along until I hit wide open delta, something I enjoy now and then. After a bit, I came to a road that peeled off to the left. Should I run that one? I still had good cell service so I checked my phone maps. Yeah, that was the way. 

The wide open delta always had a
positive affect on me.

To make a short story long, I ran 12 miles non-stop. Then I walked a mile while I ate a Cliff Bar. That brought me back over the bridge onto West Claiborne Extended. By the way, they (the County I presume) have unpaved a big portion of the levee top. Are they going to repave it? I don't know.

A neat section of road I encountered.

After walking my mile, I shuffled another 2.53 miles. I was below the levee on West Claiborne when I saw the old trail that leads down to the river where we had a swing when I was a boy. I went down there and found what looked like a homeless person camp. It kind of freaked me so I left stepping quickly. I made my way east until I went under the Keesler Bridge where I saw what looked like a homeless wino. Weird. Then going under the new bridge, as we call it, I saw a stack of paper back books under it. I didn't feel comfortable until I got back over the levee and close to home.

Penny and me at the Yazoo County Fair.

All in all, I shuffled 15.05 miles and walked 2.01 for a total of 17.06 footmiles. Yeah, I was tired. I took a shower and some sparse nutrition. Then Penny and I headed out to Yazoo City for the Yazoo County Fair. There, I ate two hamburgers, a strawberry sundae, and some popcorn. Yeah, the fair was great. Friday was great. God is great. Thank you, Jesus.

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