Friday, December 23, 2022

A Good Day Had by All

Big Tyler made it to the pool Thursday morning, but he was pressed for time. We swam 550 for a warmup and then a two-breath 50. After that we did 300 for time. I came in at 5:09, two seconds behind the big guy. Tyler had to leave, but I stayed and a bunch more stuff with some more for-time swims and some back stroke. It all totaled 2,250 yards. 

I didn't do much after that other than watch a bunch of YouTube videos mostly of people doing ultra-marathon runs. Those always make me cry like a little baby. They pull so many memoried up into my conciousness, and I know something about what the runners are experiencing. 

Late in the afternoon, I went to the City. It was cold but not terribly so. The trees in the neighbors' yards had than overcast-winter-backlit look that made me just want to stand there and gaze. I took a couple of photographs, but they don't do justice to the beauty I experienced yesterday afternoon. Mostly I shuffled on the treadmill and did some external shoulder rotations. I added a little light shoulder work to that. 

The cats and I then watched TV and ate popcorn. A good day was had by all. Thank you, Jesus.

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