Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Monday was a pretty good day considering. I had to work until 4:00 o'clock so that knowcked me out of a swim. Dullsville. I did, however, get to lift and run.

Trevor and I met at Plate City where we benched and squated. I am dropping back on the bench before another rebuild. I pressed

13 X 95
10 X 115
8 X 135
4 X 140
3 X 140

On the squat I did

13 X 65
3 X 95
2 X 105
2 X 110

Trevor left and I went for a shuffle. Flushed with Saturday's success, I ambled alon g for 3.24 miles and then a short walk afterwards. The run was slow, very slow, but that is the longest I have gone in two full years. 

I don't know how I am going to get the yards and miles in this week. Penny has Friday planned for us and John and I are going to the Alabama vs Mississippi State ball game Saturday. I want a normal weekend at home so I can train. Maybe next week.
It was still a Beetsdown day. Praise the name of Jesus.

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