Monday, March 7, 2022

BBU 17

I had another good week training for the first ever Quadrathon coming June 2nd. Monday morning we met at Plate City to lift and cheer each other on. Besides the lifting, I shuffled 2.82 miles and had a major pool session with my bud, Tyler, going for 2,800 yards.

Tuesday, we lifted again, I ran again for 3.02 miles, and swam again for 2,050 yards.

Wednesday, we did legs at the gym, hitting those things like we held a grudge against them. After work, I hit the road for a mere 1.3 miles. The legs held the grudge this time. At the pool, I only swam 2,000 yards.

Thursday was our sleep in day. After work, I used my time wisely and ran for 7.32 miles before Penny and I went out to eat with Junior and Frances Barrentine. 

Friday morning we were back in the gym. Tyler was out of town, but Vicki and I did the work. I ran 2.33 miles, then at the pool I swam 5,100 straight. So it was a solid day.

Saturday, I ran 12.5 miles around mid-day. Late in the day, I lifted light legs and heavy deadlifts at Plate City. The heavy deadlifts went along with my heavy heart as I received word that Jason Campbell passed. He was a sweet man, and we loved him much. I did three sets on the Skierg and some bicycle work.

Sunday I took naps and ran 1.03. Yeah, my legs were on strike.

For the week, I

ran 30.32 miles,
Skiergged 25:00,
swam 10,923 meters,
lifted weights five times, and
cycled 32:50

That's good training right there. Tyler and I did that Meet set where we started the final 500 already breathing hard. That let me know that I am not in bad swim shape. I'm not in great shape, but not bad.

Quadrathon is a week closer and we are a week fitter. Let it come, and thank you, Jesus.

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