Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Still Aiming High and Shooting Low

My streak of doing too little continued Monday despite my vows to train like a man possessed this week. I did get up and ride a bicycle for 11.46 miles. It wasn't fast, and it wasn't long but I did something and I always say something is a thousand time better than nothing. Later, I needed to make a trip to WalMart, and I took my swim bag with me. But when I stopped by the pool, it was full of kids, inside and out. So I went back home.

I was scheduled to speak to the Over 60s group at First Baptist in Itta Bena. When I have a speaking engagement, I do as little as possible beforehand. If I am able to pull it off, I spend my time praying and preparing. Monday was no exception. I did a presentation on "Christ-figures in the Movies." That's a topic that thrills my soul. I brought my computer and through a HDMI cable was able to use the really large TV so the crowd could see slides I had taken from the movies I used. 

What movies? Cool Hand Luke and The Journey of August King. I did a show of hands and almost everyone had seen Luke. One person claimed to have seen August. I was surprised that anyone had seen that second film although everyone ought to.

I woke up this morning thinking about all of that, all of the elements of those powerful films. Then I remembered something: the pastors' breakfast. I had planned to attend. I forgot. After the bicycle ride, I got in bed, pulled out my computer, and started reviewing, looking up Scripture, getting reading for Over 60s. I even spent time getting my clothes out, shining my shoes. And praying. I did lots of praying. I thought it went well even though poor Ricky Wheet spent most of the evening trying to get the sound system to work. Then my PowerPoint would not advance when I clicked the computer. Ricky had to run the computer for me. 


But I enjoyed it, and I think they did too. I even picked up another $100 for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi. I mailed a check yesterday. We are over $8,000 now. Praise God and thank you, Jesus.

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