Sunday, March 1, 2015


I'm really not good at this Internet stuff. It's a thousand wonders I even have a blog. I like to write, which is the main reason I do, and lately my writing has been changing bit. I've been pouring out some Poot stories and now that my running is coming back, I hope to do some more Buddy Bones Marathons in the future. I have been wanting to label my posts like I have seen other bloggerrs do. So I have been snooping around in "settings" and other spots behind the scenes.

Can anyone help? I finally figured out how to add labels to my existing posts, but the labels are only visible to me when I go in as the Administrator and peek behind the curtain. That is of some value to me, but I sure would like to make the lables visible to people who read the blog over a computer. I have seen them on other blogs and have used them to read what people write on certain topics. I have looked under "Posts" and "Layout." Can anyone help?

OK, I think I just figured something out. The labelling I have done so far (Poot Stories) shows up at the bottom of the post and if you click that label you get all the Poot stories in a row. Neat.

Now I will be working on labeling for the next week, month, year, or whatever. I made a long list of a lot of labels I want to add and it will take awhile to get it all done. But I still would love to have a label list in the right margin if I could figure out how to do it. If anyone knows, give me a holler, please.

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