Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Start Back after Break

What a difference a job makes. Last week, being off work, I was able to train like a mad man and nap like a bum. What a combo. The result was a rare 30/30 week. Now back on the job, I am doing what I can. Monday, I decided not to even try to swim. The ponds are there, but we had a cold last couple of days and the night temp hit near 32. I just did not want to deal with cold water. Instead, I took a short run of 3.32 miles and did a major weightlifting session at Plate City Gym. I benched 

16 X 100
10 X 120
5 X 140
3 X 145
1 X 150
3 X 145
5 X 140
10 X 120

That is the latest I have done 150 before one of my Challenges. I have anecdotal evidence that I swim better when my bench is going well. It is difficult to keep the weightlifting at a high level when the swimming volume goes through the roof, but I did it last week and started out right this one.

Saturday is the Viking Half Marathon, and I hope to run relatively well. I am beginning a pretty radical taper now. I will run a bit shorter every day and I should be nice and fresh by race time and still get a bit of volume in. A year ago, I took Thursday and Friday totally off. This time I plan to run every day. I have never been a streaker, but I now have 25 straight days of running. 

Last year during this week, I swam almost 15,000 meters. I hope to get in three swims and top that number by just a bit. If I can do that and hit two good weight sessions, it will be a good training cycle. 

Tonight I plan to hit the DSU pool for every stroke I can get in. Before I get there, however, I will go by and see the grands and their animals. That's always nice. If I can get over 5,000 on each swim this week, I will make up more meters of my deficit. By the grace of God, I'm getting there. Yehaa!

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