Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I kept it going Tuesday morning. Hitting it hard that is. I was swimming at ten minutes before 5:00. Just like Monday, I went for 5,500 meters nonstop. I know, I need to do some sets, but sometimes it is easier for me to just keep going because when I stop, I tend to grow lazy and waste time.

After work, I went home to quickly change clothes and get back to the Center. This was the day of our 5K, and it was a hot one. I'll write a separate post about it. For now suffice to say that I shuffled 2.99 miles and suffered royally.

Plate City was waiting on me when I got home. I did a pull workout: four sets of one-armed bent rows, three sets of pullups, and three sets of the Swim Pull. I feel like I have a pretty good string of solid weeks built up. I have two challengers to my swimming domination, Tristan Stacey and Rand Beets who challenged me to a 500 timed short course swim Friday. Thank you, Jesus, for a good start to this week.

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