Friday, December 9, 2022

Invisible Ink

It finally happened, we received the announcemnt that we (our department) were through, had finished our duties, and could call off our vigil of standing by our phones. They did reach out and touch us Wednesday and make us do something we had never done before. But Thursday midmorning we got word that the armastice had been signed, the war was over, and we could go back to our lives. Thank you Jesus.

I did, against advice, got to the pool first thing. I even met Tyler there and we swam

  10 X 50 r 20
  total: 1,400 yards

That was a real practice. I went home afterwards and drank coffee, waited, wonderiing what they could do to prolong the semester. I went out for a short run, a very short one of 1.33 miles. Remember, I shuffled 5.3 the day before and on the squat did four sets of doubles at 80% of one-rep max with only 30 seconds rest between each set. There was other stuff also. In short, I was proud I could walk much less shuffle a slow mile.

Then I sold a couple of small pieces of exercise equipment. The next few sentences are written in invisible ink. If you can read them, then you are not my wife. Selling a bench, a weight tree, and a heavy bag (plus I gave away a Total Gym) means I have some coins and some room for new equipment. I know what you are thinking: how could you possibly need more exercise equipment? Believe me, need has nothing to do with it.

I spent most of the afternoon taking naps and hanging out with CC. She has been insatiable of late. We had a Ministers' and Wives' banquet that night at Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. When we arrived, we saw Larry's trailer (Larry's Fish House) parked next to the Family Life Center. That meant a good night was going to be a great one. We just ate and fellowshipped and found it highly enjoyable.

When we got home, I went to bed and slept like a rotten log on a river bank. I woke up with a wet T-shirt. When I sleep really well, I always sweat a lot. Anyone else do that? So, you can probably tell that it was a nice today. What will this one hold? As much as I can fill it with. 

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