Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Good Start

Monday was a bit different this week. It was lightening when I woke up so I ditched the idea of going to the outdoor pool. Instead, I lounged, drank coffee, studied, and just generally took it easy. After lunch I went to the little pool. I wish I could list my practice, but I accidently cleared my watch. I went on YouTube to try to find out how to access History. I did find out how to get to History, but I was not able to view Laps. I know I started with a long warmup of 2,500 yards. Then I swam 1,800 for time. This is where I grieve because I don't have the time. I do know that it was under thirty minutes. I swam a total of 6,050 yards, which was a pretty good start to the week.

Despite wasting a lot of time, I went out for a shuffle before lunch, going 3.11 miles. I did the swim around 4:00, and then went to Plate City with little rest between the two. On the bench, I pressed

10 X 45

  5 X 65

 3 X 100

 2 X 120

 1 X 140

 2 X 140

 3 X 140

 4 X 140

 5 X 140

In addition to that, I did a set of incline bench presses, two set of log presses, fourteen sets of lateral raises, and three sets on the seated dip. This is my new machine, the seated dip, and I hope and believe that a few weeks of this will make a difference for me in the water. It allows me to do a lot of extra volume for the triceps. I don't like the triceps pushdown because it causes me elbow pain. This move utilizes a neutral grip which is easy on the joint.

Thank you, Jesus, for a solid day of training.

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