Tuesday, July 20, 2021

HOD Week

The Heart O' Dixie Triathlon returns this Saturday in Louisville, Mississippi. The continental United State's oldest continuous triathlon, like many events, was cancelled in 2020. For the first time ever, I am doing a relay.

I usually do the whole thing, and that, along with Bikes, Blues[,] & Bayous, helps to form a training and performance program that keeps fit and healthy. Last year, I was offered a slot on a good relay team, and I jumped at the chance. I had the same offer in 2019, but one of my arms fell off. So this is our third attempt to form a strong team, and it looks like this time we might make it to the starting line.

Yes, I want to whip them guys from Greenwood. The ones who think they are tough, the ones who take pictures after the race but never ask me to be in them, the ones who meet at a cabin afterwards but have never asked me and my wife to join them. No, they will not read this. They are the pure in heart who do not do social media. When I see one of them there is usually a question about my training. I remind them that I have a blog where I tell everything. I think they have never read. Maybe their swimmer has. Maybe.

Me? What leg will I do? Are you kidding? That's a question? What do you think?

Yeah, that was tough wasn't it. I guess that is one reason my running has fallen off a cliff because I'm focused on the swim like it's my life's work. So this is my taper week, and I want to get it right. I wrote out a plan and then I Messaged my old Masters coach to bounce it off him. What would you change? I asked. He told me.

So Monday morning, I swam 3,200 straight. I tried to throw in some pickups, some fast 50s. He recommended 25s. But I was either too lazy, too tired, or too forgetful. Yes, it was all three. I am good like that.

No I did not run, but I did go to the gym. I lifted push. I will lift pull tonight, but I will not do round two later this week. I even reduced my assistance work to almost nothing so it was not a hard workout. Then we went to Over 60s just in time for me to gain five pounds at the first of race week. But you didn't really gain five pounds in one meal, did you? The scales say I did, and we have a tentative date to eat out with friends this Thursday. I have always tried to make my athletic exploits intrusiveless in our lives. I do that to my athletic and health harm. Eating out is one of the worst things you can do for your health.

Thank you, Jesus, for the health I have. I do try to be a good steward of it and a good husband at the same time. Those two goals clash head on, however, like two cars on the highway.

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