Thursday, February 7, 2019


Kind of strange. Not rushing home to change clothes and get to the pool. If you noticed the sentence fragments, buy yourself a Snickers Bar.

No pool, no swim, no rush. It was kind of nice, but I really wanted to get into some water. If not for an appointment at Plate City Gym, I may have gone to the fish farm. The weather has been warm for over a week. I bet the water temps are mid to high 60s. I used to love that temperature in a wetsuit. 

Instead, I payed to utility bill, and went to Walmart for some protein and creatine. It's nice to have that out of the way. Then I went home to rest some but I was there only minutes before Trevor texted and wanted a time. "I'm ready," I responded. "Be there in twenty," he immediately answered.

When he arrived the sun was still high in the sky. This meant that we could do our workout before the mosquitoes came out. I started on Lat Pull Downs for

20 X 55
18 X 60
15 X 65
12 X 70
10 X 75

I did some Swim Pulls also:

26 X 27.5
18 X 32.5
15 X 34
12 X 35.5

I haven't been doing many of these lately because I have been swimming so much. But with a highly reduced swim week, I am ramping this one back up and I probably should keep it high on account of the sports strength it builds.

In addition to my rotator cuff work, I did squats. The numbers on those are classified. I also did a few pull ups, two sets of T-bar rowing, and 5:00 on the exercise bicycle. Notice the work that involves biceps. I have had no strange feeling there since Saturday night and felt nothing odd while working out. 

To add to all of that, I did lots of stretching, especially hanging from the pull up bar. I am attempting to regain full mobility in the right shoulder. Tonight at Masters practice, I intend to pay especial attention to my form, my right arm, and my hope is to swim better, to get back to where I was. The range of motion is better now than it was even two months ago. But is has been compromised for so long, that I have adjusted to swimming differently. Sigh. Thank you, Jesus, that I can swim at all. 

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