Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Continuing on the Left Sore Foot

Tyler and I met at the pool Tuesday morning. I swam

6 X 50 @ WIFL
total: 1,100

That is almost training again.

I went home and started on the coffee. Then I almost jumped out of my skin. I remembered that I had set up a lunchen with my aunt in Noxapater. So I got ready and left. 

I was supposed to be there at 11:30. I was four minutes late and one of her daughter-in-laws answered the door when I got there. "She's already gone. She left about fifteen minutes ago." 

Oh heck. That means she intended for me to meet her at Lake Tiak O'Khata. "Will you do me a favor? Text her that I am on the way."

To make a short story long, when I got there, she was out front talking to some lady saying that she had been "stood up" by her nephew. We went inside and had our meal. It was real. It was good. It was real good. I ate three plates full and Aunt Mary ate well. That made me happy. 

With Aunt Mary back ot the house.

This was the day before her 90th birthday. Her family is having a surprise birthday party at the Noxapater United Methodist Church today. They invited me, but I had already set up this get together with her, and I decided to keep my original plans. That way she gets two special days, and I got her all to myself.

Bad lighting but good subject. My last living
aunt, Mary Darby.

I went by the shop on my way out to see two of my cousins, but only one of them was there. Back home, I went out for my run. Penny was at the grocery store by now, so I circled the block over and over so I would be sure to be home when she got there. I did my desired 3.21 miles while my left foot became sore. This gave me 20 and change for the week. Not bad for two days. Heck, that's an average of 10 per day. I'll take it.

It was a good day. I swam and I ran. Most importantly, however, I saw my Aunt Mary one more time and got to spend a little time with her. Plate City was squeezed out, but there are only so many hours in a day. 

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