Friday, November 4, 2022

Sick like That

Thursdays are always glorious. Probably I've written that line before.  But knowing you have the next day off makes the last work week of the day have a sweetness and a promise almost like Christmas has come.

I swam before work. Tyler and I met at the pool and I did an easy pyramid swim starting with two 25s and then going up be 50s. I went all the way to 250, which gave me 800 for the day, the most in several weeks.

After work, I had no time for a nap. I stayed late at school, and Billy Perry, a real powerlifter, was scheduled to come by Plate City for a workout. Since I had done full upper body the day before, and since I am racing Saturday and maxed my squat Monday, I was not sure what I was going to do.

First, I watched Billy set a new Plate City squat record at 405 pounds. He went deep and had no problem standing up with the weight. When he shifted to the bench press, I decided to join in even though I had benched the day before. For the first time in my life, I benched two days in a row.

It wasn't bad seeing how I went light Wednesday and not too heavy Thursday. After benching, we did some chest-supported rows and then called it a day, or a workout. Billy left and I went for a run. I shuffled 2.11 miles to take to to 20+ for the week. I need more and should get more.

Right now I am drinking coffee. Oddly, I don't have a cat on the bed. CC is feeling frisky and is running through the house. River is running through the house. Baby Kitty is perched high on some furniture trying to stay out of the way and out of the gray. Luvie is lounging on the floor. Luvie always lounges on the floor. He won't even try to get on the bed anymore because CC has beaten him up so many times for simply trying. She is a very violent cat. It's her way or the paws way. I have a strange admiration for her brutality. I'm sick like that.

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